Hi everyone! My name's Jeff. This is my first time ever on the community. The reason I joined was that I was bored.
Well great, we have the
perfect topic for you!
That aside, welcome to the Resource Community!

(06-01-2012, 10:21 AM)Previous Wrote: [ -> ]Well great, we have the perfect topic for you!
That aside, welcome to the Resource Community! 
Hey thanks.

(06-01-2012, 10:19 AM)WiiGuy59103 Wrote: [ -> ]The reason I joined was that I was bored.
That's the only reason? What an insult.
Just kidding

Welcome to the Resource, Jeff! Hope you enjoy your time here, and that we manage to obliterate your boredom!
You sir, have the best signature...EVER!
I agree, it's quite inspirational.
Why thank you! I learned them myself X3
welcome to the spriters resource
we hope you enjoy your time here