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i'm concerned about how everything is relying on robo's hands, wich makes me wonder if it wouldn't be a good idea to share the load and get someone else to work on the programming too.

of course, that depends entirely on both robo's opinion and the avaliability of someone else's will to program and stuff.
The game was my idea. I'm fine programming this by myself. I'll only be programming this by myself. Itll be ready when it's fucking ready.
(06-14-2012, 03:23 PM)[Cokealorum] Wrote: [ -> ]The game was my idea. I'm fine programming this by myself. I'll only be programming this by myself. Itll be ready when it's fucking ready.

That was a very angry response for someone whose concerns were entirely valid.
dude, the idea was yours

the programming is yours

but the work is also from the community. It is fucking selfish not to show your progress, as alpha as it is.
Well I'm sorry about that, I kind of had a moment there involving something irl. I've had some blood pressure medication and laid down, so I'm calm.

I've had little time to work on the program between work and school lately, do the last exe I posted was just about how far I've gotten. I'm have a bit of a problem with paranoia, and I was afraid Metarus suggestion might have led to me being replaced. Its one reason why I didn't want ploaj to make the same thing via flash (something he suggested becausehe was bored and wanted to do it for shits and giggles) but I was afraid his version would be better received, and I didn't want to become replaced. I know that's definitely not what Metary was suggesting, but paired with something that happened irl and my misunderstanding led to the reaction. I apologize for my reaction, and I'm sorry. I have a full summer break, and I'll be able to work I the engine since my summer work ends earlier and I wont have to bother with studying after work. I'm fully capable of doing the work, and I will. I just have to get started back on it.
I believe in you guys and when this is released I will be very proud to tell all my friends that i was a member

of the forums

lol no seriously if you guys want some stages done (how many have been done anyway?) i'm always available to help (not by providing my own narcissistic work but actually providing something useful other than what other people here are actually just trying to do just to get in the game)
also, are you guys gonna have 1 stage per character? i don't really read much sorry
we don't have much set for the stages, as it isn't really necessary for the alpha. But if you have a good idea for a level, feel free to make it! Afaik no levels are complete but they're in progress.
start to make something

[Image: scaled.php?server=18&filename=13593610.png&res=landing]
[Image: scaled.php?server=853&filename=40073735.png&res=landing]

which do you prefer? Shy

and Gors , if you need some stages I can try to make some
sure thing. As for the sprite, it looks kinda wonky and blobby, as well as jaggy. take care when making the sprites, this style needs to be very readable and smooth.

[Image: fjcDp.gif]
Edited my stance in accordance to the crits on my thread. Is the feet movement too distracting?

Also, couldn't find a good way to make the arms move. Any suggestions?
i don't think that the legs are correct; it's bending way too low. There is banding on the shirt (near the hips) and the arms could use some motion, as you pointed out. Try making that stance yourself and see if it is comfprtable enough to make other animations from that point, then reproduce it in the sprite.
what have i done
[Image: 2EPfV.png]
woah dude, that's a lot of antialias there

you might want to tone that down

a lot
[Image: Atb79.png]

C+C? Sorry if this annoys anyone, but I need something to work on.
that jacket seems to be painted on the character, rather than being an actual piece of cloth afected by gravity