i've come to realize that Seth is my favorite.

They look like they should be delicious candy! What am I the only one who thinks they look sweet enough to eat? Yeah sweet gummy buggies.
Updated with 2 new guys
also any suggestions? I'm running out of creative juices...
e: also i'm not a big fan of how Meagher turned out, will probably redo
I don't know, They're great and all.
But something just......
Bugs me.
watch out sengir
you've got competition
Everyone seems to be swarming in this thread. What's all the buzz about, anyway? I can tell you're just winging it with these sprites. I mean, what the shell?
Buzz off, Sengir.
You've been kicked out of the hive.
Milton is looking pretty fly.
(06-08-2012, 11:15 PM)Sengi~ Wrote: [ -> ]I'll kill you all
with bug killing spray, I assume
Boy, what with all these puns
I'm sure glad I'm ON THE WEB