Hey everybody! Can anyone get me some screenshots taken from Final Fantasy 4: Complete Collection. I need non battle images, so places like Baron Castle and stuff. I would like to have them include soilders and characters around the castle. Any of this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks you guys!

I'm sorry, was that you getting angry because nobody has replied to your request? Because if it is, then you sir, are a complete moron.
You don't get huffy and puffy because nobody wants to do you a favour. Probably because most of us don't own the game - but if you're making the request, I'm sure you do. Why can't you just do it yourself?
Also because you can't expect people to go out of their way when they have no idea who you are. Making requests relies completely on people's wanting to help after all.
But it's probably just that a lot of people here don't have the game. If that's what it is then there's not much you can do unfortunately. I'd suggest working on trying to get the game and doing it on your own so you won't have to wait on someone else.
I wasn't mad you guys. I was saying fine because I was fine with it. I seriously didn't mean to come off as angry or mad. I apolagize for this, and I realize that it was a small request and I knew it wouldn't get any people to do it. I am very sorry for the confusion. Thanks you guys.
P.S. I should probably work on my additude