You're not going to last long.
(06-10-2012, 09:52 AM)NICKtendo DS Wrote: [ -> ]You're not going to last long.
what do u mean ?
Da Rules:
Quote:3.Take it Easy with Edits/Recolors/etc.
Some people would like to post edits, splices, frankenmons, tracing, recolors, and that is fine. Just hold your breath, take a shot of the nearest alcohol you can reach and explain him that the nature of said issue sometimes wouldn't benefit him, or that he should avoid do these because x reason you might want to elaborate (kicks in someone's face aren't an elaborated argument). If OP insists on them, then let a mod deal with it and if that doesn't work, just leave the thread alone. DON'T FUCKING POST SHIT ON IT because doing so just bumps it on top of other more worthy threads.
(I have no alcohol here)
If you feel like posting any of these here, you will be warned. No one wants to see these. They're all decent starting points if you're trying to get into pixel art and spriting (Except tracing. That has always been stupid and will continue to be for the remainder of forever.), but they're not anything to show off. If you're going to post something here, make sure that it's custom.
That said, people here aren't into recolors. They take zero to no effort and we can all make them in a split-second. There's absolutely no point in showcasing recolors. Sopme might say they're good to learn about colors, but they're not, you can learn about colors when making custom sprites, too.
Besides, you usedses attachments. Don't use attachments (even though you at least inserted them correctly). It's in the rules.
Also, don't post with changed fonts when it is absolutely not neccessary.
Also, many flaws in your color choices. Bad contrasts for example.
is it weird how I thought the title was going to be misleading?
I expected something from Recolorme or Crappy.

i'm pretty sure we all came here for the wrong reasons, grasshoper.
but Previous is right. Recolors and anything related to them take basically zero to no effort at all to be made(and what you have shared is the laziests if not the shittiest, effortless piece of crap thathas been posted around here in a while) if you actually have something such as custom sprite work to showcase or that needs feedback on how to be improved, then go ahead and post it. if you came for "praising" and "fishing for compliments" for these pieces of crap, then you might as well go back from where you came from and not even bother posting again around here. no excuses.
oh my god this must have taken so much skill! their so impressive! I'm so amazed by the amount of effort these took! look at all of that colour! isn't it impressive guys!? guys!?
sarcasm is mans best friend
[mod note: oh my god watchout we got a badass over here -Warned]
To give him a little credit, at least he knows about what color works and what doesn't and aren't eye-bleedingly painful to look at.
Now, take these palletes and try something a little more... custom~
The above pretty much makes this extremely obvious, but people around these parts don't take kindly to recolours. If you post them, you're pretty much going to be mocked and ridiculed.
Brutal comments aside, try to look past the roughness and take their criticism to heart because they do know what they're talking about.
Try to make a sprite from scratch, of anything, and we'll be more than happy to help you. It's just recolors don't really help you to improve in your spriting skills, and we're trying to help you get better faster, because everyone's got potential as long as they're willing to try, and listen to the constructive feedback they're given. You can do better than this!

(06-10-2012, 12:25 PM)Afr0Blu3 Wrote: [ -> ]The above pretty much makes this extremely obvious, but people around these parts don't take kindly to recolours. If you post them, you're pretty much going to be mocked and ridiculed.
That's usually what happens when you bring this type of stuff into the wrong neighborhood.
Well, this thread has outlived its purpose.
OP, don't post recolors.