I think the perspective's fine too. I had the most distant eye facing more this way and it was looking forward too much so I moved it over a pixel. I originally had the head smaller too, but trying to make that big mouth work kinda... outstretched it I guess. I actually think it doesn't look too big considering how long its body is but I could try to squish it a bit if you really think it is. I also know to make them water drop shaped, but like I said I was just generally struggling with them, angle and all.
I had a play with the wings. Hope you don't mind, Jetters
They're not perfect, but it gives you an idea of what the wings should look like

It's better though it seems it's too far down the body for some reason.
Yeah, your right. I was just trying to get the shape right...
for example purposes

Thought I'd give this thing another shot and seeing as I need to improve at spriting, I thought I'd try Snacker.
![[Image: Snacker.png]](http://i1061.photobucket.com/albums/t478/Curlyw42/Snacker.png)
![[Image: Snacker.jpg]](http://images.wikia.com/banjokazooi/de/images/9/90/Snacker.jpg)
It looks way too flat, because I didn't know what to do with the shading. Thoughts?
Snacker's definitely not an enemy that should be sized down, he's much too small there in my opinion
Maybe somewhere a tad larger than Mr. Vile?
Fear not Jetters we all work together to get the best results!
I think Snackers should be the length of two Mr. Viles, or was he originally a bit shorter than that?
Snacker. The nightmares. O_O
I still think that theory about Mumbo being a Grublin before getting transformed by Grunty makes some sense so I tried using Mumbo's body base, slightly altered
I also got a better reference for Snacker since any I could find were a bit lacking. Just trying to help
I haven't had the chance to do anything for this, so I just wanted to say you guys have been doing awesome work!

I decided to try Snacker, and this is what I came up with
I can't seem to get a good white shading for his underbelly, because I wanted to have it white, but also have the same hue to it.