General thread about videogames and everything about them. whatever item that doesnt necesarily requires a thread on its own should go here.
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i would like to play streets of rage with somebody someday
not this day, but someday
i used to play the first one with my brother, back in the day when i had a mega drive.
it wasnt that nice to throw your brother out of the elevator when he could do the same thing to you.
Streets of Rage is cool, but I was more of a Final Fight guy. (heh get it)
I only played the second SoR, what else would you reccomend?
The second one was my personal favorite. More of a bias though because it's the first one I ever played. I actually got to the final boss before, but I died on my last life. Shiva kicked my ass right before him and I died in literally one gun shot.
of all three, i'd pick the third one.
though they're all beastly good.
i'd personally go with the third because of the increased fluidity in movement (every character can run, up/down rolling, mid-air movement control)
but yeah, all three are great.
Streets of Rage 2 was the best because of Go Straight and Dreamer
SOR2 has some of the best tracks, indeed.
but visuals and gameplay are far superior on the third one.
The Game Gear version was superior to all of them what are you guys talking about?
Nah, I'm kidding. My favorite would have to be SoR2, probably because its the one I spent the most time with and the only one I could ever beat. Although the third one lets you play as a boxing kangaroo... That alone makes it one of the coolest games ever.
I think Streets of Rage 1 was too... Standard.
Streets of Rage 2 improved it.
Streets of Rage 3 was ridiculous.
I'm not one for any sort of sports games but I just bought Mario Tennis Open today and it's pretty fun

Hey guys, Rampage World Tour.
God just... so much fun. I wish they would make a new good Rampage game.
Hah, had a go at that, or whichever Rampage game that was on N64. Not bad, I have to admit. I think that nowadays they could make a seriously fun Rampage game, with a million extra features and whatever.
The most recent Rampage game was awful. Actually the series went downhill with Universal Tour. They added too many monsters and all of them sucked! The mechanics and flow of the game slowly degraded with each title.