Out of them all I think the fifth is the best one, but anyways, I noticed when she throws the stone in her hand in the air, well, it kind of gets too blurry for us to make out what it is... and at the top of the cat ears the line is really too dark-shadowy-thing... I am really not good at explaining this am I?
You mean the first.
Also, her face looks weird in general. I don't know about you guys, she looks like she's having an orgasim at the same time she's being drunk.
That and there are seems to be a bit too much sel-out in most of the sprites.
(06-20-2012, 07:22 PM)Gaia Wrote: [ -> ]You mean the first.
Also, her face looks weird in general. I don't know about you guys, she looks like she's having an orgasim at the same time she's being drunk.
That and there are seems to be a bit too much sel-out in most of the sprites.
No I just badly phrased it, I like the fifth one the best, but I was commenting on the stone on the first one
remember kids, the more selout you put in your sprites the more epically professional they will look.
specially if you post them without a proper background to support that selout and you share them at an oversized, selout killer resolution.
>bonus points if you post this randomly of forums with a well-hidden link to your kickstarter<.
Heh, I'm a bit of dinofarms fan, so seeing you guys here again is kinda cool.
But I do wonder why the smaller characters have no sel-out while the larger ones do; it seems rather inconsistent. Otherwise, aside from the qualms others have already brought up, I can't really add anything...
(06-20-2012, 11:33 PM)Meta Wrote: [ -> ]remember kids, the more selout you put in your sprites the more epically professional they will look.
specially if you post them without a proper background to support that selout and you share them at an oversized, selout killer resolution.
>bonus points if you post this randomly of forums with a well-hidden link to your kickstarter<.
I'm sorry you feel that way. On modern monitors, it's hard to make out small sprites at 100%. I wanted to magnify them for ease of sight.
I didn't post this "randomly," as much as I did locations I thought would be appropriate. Since this is a pixel art community, I thought this is where I would post some original pixel art.
I put my link to the kickstarter at the end because I didn't want the reader to feel like I was spamming him. I wanted to provide real content first. It was in the interest of courtesy.
Thank you for your comment.
Don't worry about Meta, he's an angry man when it comes to... Well he's just an angry man.
Dazz, Metaru was harsh in that post but what he said is valid and denying what he said is basically closing your eyes and not acknowledging your mistakes.
This said, the sprites are fine and what kills them the most is the abusive selout. Redo them without them and black outlines and post them in 1x. This should suffice.
Oh sure, he's half right. People are welcome to link to their project's page if it's related to the thing they are genuinely looking for critique on.
That and sarcasm is really not the best way of delivering advice, I'd go so far as to say it's being excessively patronising.
i hardly call this a "post looking for feedback on how these sprites can be improved" but merely a an ad for someone's work to be displayed -and the project behind it-
i mean, i can guarantee you OP is not looking for improvement on something that is already set in the game's mechanics, artwork and concept and even if he was, he'd save that feedback for the next project/piece(i'd be a nightmare to rework these at such point in a game's development), wich still defeats the purpose of this thread being on the forum where people posts their works in progress in order for the community to provide critiques and feedback on how they can be fixed/improved/reworked and such.
inb4 dazz gets mad again, metaru is bnaed
Kids stop it please that's not getting us anywhere.
Yes, it (obviously) was advertising, but there also are sprites to be discussed and I don't see a problem with telling Blake what's wrong with these so he can do it better next time in case he's not going to fix up these.
The main problems I see are the aformentioned selective outlining (which not even all of these have, you should try to keep your style conistent throughout the game) and the low contrast on some (the guy with the chains on his wrists). I suppose you've got multiple spriters working there? As the lead artist you should take care of having them work in the same style.
Also, always post your pixels at 1x resolution; if you think that's too small, provide larger versions alonside the original sized ones. Either way, people can zoom in on graphics, but zooming out proves to be difficult (it's hard to zoom to 33.3333333% while keeping pixels exact).
I'd give Blake a change to show he wants to improve as I think he's got quite some potential there. Next time show up and ask for comments in an earlier stage (which would probably also be better advertising as you build up long term interest)

We are many, many months from release, so all of these will be polished and revised if needed.
I've been saying all along how open I am to constructive feedback.
Just for the record, these were made with dark backgrounds in mind, which will be the case for most of the levels. Also, my goal was to make bent lines and lines at strange angles look smooth. Black outlines sometimes just can't articulate certain shapes. I know I went overboard with selout but I did have something specific in mind. It's my first attempt at higher res sprites. My last spriting job was most of the animation for 100 Rogues.
Blake, we have a post edit feature
![[Image: postbit_edit.gif]](http://www.spriters-resource.com/community/images/flame/english/postbit_edit.gif)
, use it to correct your post instead of self-quoting and doubleposting.
Also we understand. Just tone down on the selout, and you're good to go c:
If you just took care of the irritating selout, they'd be usable on virtually any background anyways.
Other than the selout..
The tail of the 3rd character look static and it doesn't look like is on the ground either, some movement would be nice.
At first glance I though the hexagon at the back is suppose to be a cube where you measure your character size, but later when I realise is a tile; all your character look strange when not position on the central of it.