I really want a Bomberman reimagining that goes back to the SNES days, I miss the chubby lil' guy
rival schools 3
a ninja turtle beat 'em up
and i'll never play anything else for the rest of my life
(06-17-2012, 02:06 AM)alexmach1 Wrote: [ -> ]ironically enough, i cant get a perfect on the gamecube CR, but i almost always get perfects on the DS CR.
also, vertical gun will always be my nightmare.
Well, there were some guns that were just as good as the vertical that I happen to main. I happen to go for the more balanced robos as well.
No Soulboost bullcrap that was in the DS game, that's what made the robos broken in the first place.
Also, a (proper) reboot of the R-type series.
Clash at Demonhead
Little Samson
I'd LOVE a Pokemon Colosseum 3ds remake.
a proper crash bandicoot reboot would be nice
I would love to see Mario remade as an open world 3D platformer. A Super Mario Sunshine theme would be nice too.
By open world do you mean like you can walk anywhere with a non-linear (or loosely linear) story? Because that would be pretty cool.
(06-18-2012, 03:49 AM)puggsoy Wrote: [ -> ]By open world do you mean like you can walk anywhere with a non-linear (or loosely linear) story? Because that would be pretty cool.
He means a Mario game which you can do almost anything and go almost anywhere outside the storyline, which would totally rule!
I would like to see Sonic 3 and Knuckles made in HD with a heavier storyline. I think it would be awesome.
I was really hoping the whole of Sonic 2 was going to be Sonic Generations DLC. What Sonic fan wouldn't give Sega their money for that?
(06-18-2012, 06:40 AM)Goemar Wrote: [ -> ]I was really hoping the whole of Sonic 2 was going to be Sonic Generations DLC. What Sonic fan wouldn't give Sega their money for that?
way too lazy to make a DLC like that. Most objects and SFX were recycled from sonic unleashed.
Sega's laziness displeases me greatly
The Sonic 2 DLC shouldn't be a problem for Sonic Retro though.

I was gonna say Legacy of Kain, but that's already happening, so I'll just sit here and hope that Tetsuya Nomura stays the fuck away from it.
(06-18-2012, 07:55 AM)Rai Wrote: [ -> ]I was gonna say Legacy of Kain, but that's already happening, so I'll just sit here and hope that Tetsuya Nomura stays the fuck away from it.