strider is owned by a manga company/group of artists named moto kikaku. capcom had a lisencing deal with them throguh the late 80's to mid nineties
(06-20-2012, 02:21 AM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ] (06-19-2012, 11:09 AM)Mutsukki Wrote: [ -> ] (06-19-2012, 09:36 AM)Zac Wrote: [ -> ] (06-19-2012, 08:48 AM)Gors Wrote: [ -> ]this reminds me of a dream I had. I was playing some Pokémon game in DS, and it had a more serious, pos-apocaliptic futuristic setting and stuff, end every NPC had their story and all; also the game was certainly not kid-oriented since it involved people and pokemon dying.
I told this to Mutsukki but he completely rejected the idea. I'll see if I can do something with it in the future...
That is basically the main shin megami tensei series
I think I told him that.
I rejected it because it would be pretty dumb making it have a link with the series. It's like, making a Mario game where every enemy is a zombie version of itself and it's all gruesome and gritty. Just make another series and call it a day (or in the Pokemon case, go play Shin Megami Tensei)
Pokemon Conquest renders your point completely moot
I haven't played it, but I'm quite sure nobody dies, even if it's based on Japan's Sengoku Period.
While I kind of get it, I still think that Pokemon Conquest was not that big of a depart from the series tone, if it was at all, really.
Maybe Pokemon die at the Mystery Dungeon series too, idk, but I still think pos-apocaliptic is a bit too much.
Pokemon Snap for Wii U.
1. Give the new Wii U controller a Camera accessory.
2. Multiple pathways per level.
3. Randomize the positions and actions of the Pokemon; don't make them do the same things every time.
4. Real-time clock with different Pokemon for different times of day; also could be seasonal, with certain Pokemon only appearing at certain times of the year.
5. More levels, items, and Pokemon, spanning all 5 generations.
6. Allow multiple pictures of each individual Pokemon. It was frustrating when I would get a good picture of a Pokemon, yet for some reason, it was worth less points than the one I already took, so I had to delete it.
Most importantly, Professor Oak HAS to be there to say "Welcome back!", and that's something I won't budge on.
Idk, I'd buy it.
I stick by the position that if you're going to make a gritty Pokemon, don't make it Pokemon, make it it's own thing (or play Shin Megami Tensei).
But.... if you want to see a very dark and creepy side of Pokemon, go to the Battle Subway in Black and White. The trainers during the challenge and the NPCs between streaks have some weird, creepy and downright depressing things to say. Probably amplified by the fact that it seems the localization team didn't spend all that much time on the dialogue in there. As an example, there's a biker who approaches you saying
"My partner has turned to dust, but his Pokemon are my Pokemon now."
And then when you beat him
"He was trash, but now he is eternal, like the stars in the sky... Ah, my partner!"
Also the Pokefans are apparently a cult as one said to me after a battle "If you join the Pokefans, your life will be saved!"
Oh yeah, there's also an old couple that both say "This is the end of the line..." followed by some sort of depressing comment about them reflecting on their time left.
So yeah. The Battle Subway scares me.
Really? I don't think I've ever seen anyone say that during my runthroughs in the battle subway (then again I don't think I pay much attention nowadays

I think I would very much enjoy a remake of Gotcha Force, except the borgs had more attacks, and if they changed the targeting system to one that doesn't auto-aim, I would like that even more ^^
I love it how people want a game series which is nice, bright, colourful and cheerful to have GRIMNESS and DEATH.
Like hey wouldn't it be cool if Kirby ripped people's heads off and used them as a bowling ball? No - no it wouldn't.
I also don't want Peach giving long speaches (speaches? Peaches? get it? Ah sod you...) about the economical climate of the mushroom kingdom or how a loop in the legal system allows Bowser to walk around freely.
Yes I'm using extreme examples but you get my point. We have enough realistic/grim games. We don't need Nintendo following the same path.
I also feel I need to post "Killer Instinct 3" so we can all nod in agreement, deny how badly those games have aged, sigh at how great Rare once was, and know we will never see it.
Grim and real and death, maybe not.
But a darker Pokemon I can more than imagine. There's already a lot of dark avenues in the Pokemon world, like how Hypno steals children. I think it could be fun if the franchise explored those parts of the mythos.
(06-22-2012, 11:13 PM)Goemar Wrote: [ -> ]I love it how people want a game series which is nice, bright, colourful and cheerful to have GRIMNESS and DEATH.
Like hey wouldn't it be cool if Kirby ripped people's heads off and used them as a bowling ball? No - no it wouldn't.
I also don't want Peach giving long speaches (speaches? Peaches? get it? Ah sod you...) about the economical climate of the mushroom kingdom or how a loop in the legal system allows Bowser to walk around freely.
Yes I'm using extreme examples but you get my point. We have enough realistic/grim games. We don't need Nintendo following the same path.
I also feel I need to post "Killer Instinct 3" so we can all nod in agreement, deny how badly those games have aged, sigh at how great Rare once was, and know we will never see it.
Your extreme examples don't serve you point very well at all. A pokemon in a realistically dark world is so easy to see, the only reason they don't explore it more (Pokemon Colosseum) is because the biggest part of the fanbase is kids.
(06-22-2012, 11:13 PM)Goemar Wrote: [ -> ]I love it how people want a game series which is nice, bright, colourful and cheerful to have GRIMNESS and DEATH.
With this we got the Zero series of the Mega Man franchise ladies 'n gents, as not only we got dark n' gritty, we got roboboobies as well.
Also, Anyone want to look at Bomberman: ACT ZERO and Shadow the Hedgehog? I can name a few other origionally kid-friendly franchises that went that road if you want. That and the Final Fantasy series in general. It wasn't a kid's game mostly, but somewhere down the line.. yeah.
Save the grit for the first person shooters, please. Though if you do it right you might get a good game (custom robo gcn for example).
(06-24-2012, 04:42 PM)Gaia Wrote: [ -> ] (06-22-2012, 11:13 PM)Goemar Wrote: [ -> ]I love it how people want a game series which is nice, bright, colourful and cheerful to have GRIMNESS and DEATH.
With this we got the Zero series of the Mega Man franchise ladies 'n gents, as not only we got dark n' gritty, we got roboboobies as well.
The context of your post beyond this quote makes it seem like the Zero series was a BAD thing.
Also, the X series was gritty in itself. The X series had a body count equal, if not higher than the Zero series, both in the way of plot relevant characters and implied deaths of characters we never even see on screen. That's not counting boss deaths, since X has a seriously large advantage due to having twice as many games, though technically that--- nevermind, I'm just saying it was gritty too.
Rollcage. Fucking Rollcage you guys, the second one is still a blast and a half to play.
(06-22-2012, 11:27 PM)Kriven Wrote: [ -> ]Grim and real and death, maybe not.
But a darker Pokemon I can more than imagine. There's already a lot of dark avenues in the Pokemon world, like how Hypno steals children. I think it could be fun if the franchise explored those parts of the mythos.
The freaky "man that's creepy" effect of the PokeDex would be lost in my own personal opinion if Nintendo delved deeper into it.
(06-24-2012, 04:42 PM)Gaia Wrote: [ -> ] (06-22-2012, 11:13 PM)Goemar Wrote: [ -> ]I love it how people want a game series which is nice, bright, colourful and cheerful to have GRIMNESS and DEATH.
With this we got the Zero series of the Mega Man franchise ladies 'n gents, as not only we got dark n' gritty, we got roboboobies as well.
Also, Anyone want to look at Bomberman: ACT ZERO and Shadow the Hedgehog? I can name a few other origionally kid-friendly franchises that went that road if you want. That and the Final Fantasy series in general. It wasn't a kid's game mostly, but somewhere down the line.. yeah.
Save the grit for the first person shooters, please. Though if you do it right you might get a good game (custom robo gcn for example).
Bomberman and Shadow are examples of why games shouldn't switch to the "dark and gritty" path, though I'd argue they didn't. They took the "this will be so cool to a ten year old" path.
And as much as I love the Zero series (minus the 4th ones big F U to the main story) I would hardly say it's dark and gritty. It's more comic book cool (and I mean like The Spectacular Spiderman cartoon not The Dark Knight Returns). I'm not saying that that's a bad thing - but I would hardly call the series dark. More mature than the original, sure - but dark? Seems a bit of a push.
Well out of all the Mega Man games, the Zero series IS the closest to being dark and gritty. It has the most casualties beyond the scope of the main characters and villains, mentions atrocities like mass genocide (of humans too, not just Reploids), characters have deep-seeded desires for hatred and vengeance, a main villain kills himself in a last ditch effort to destroy Zero, identity crisis, forbidden love, and for once in the entire series we see more than four human characters present in one game, almost all of whom are in mortal danger at one point or another.
Stuff's been much darker and grittier than that, but not Mega Man.
Speaking of Act Zero... I'd honestly wouldn't mind if they tried to remake it using similiar charector designs but as more of a bomberman what if than part of the actual series (If it was ever in the first place). A few different mechanics, maybe more physics, more story oriented, but keep a lot lighthearted feel of the original.
Turn it something more along the lines of how different megaman Legends was to megaman, instead of just dark and gritty bomberman.
If only because I think it would be neat to see them import a lot of the other characters into the style. Especially since I'm interested in how one would handle the few characters with "core" design elements that are anti-dark/gritty.
They did a different take on Bomberman. It was called Bomberman Jetters. The GBA was pretty good, and never in English.