Hiya everyone! I'm Torchmaniac! I'm a new user here. This site seems full of fun people, I actually browsed through a lot of topics in the Site Discussion and I think TSR is the perfect place to escape from reality into fiction and happiness. I'm a good ripper, but i'm really slow and it takes me around 3 hours to rip a sprite. I also like to joke around a lot so please don't ban me with my horrible puns :p . I'm also really creative and I am the best drawer in my school, but I suck horribly at drawing with Microsoft Paint. I hope you'll all like me and understand me.
Well that's me! Torchmaniac !

Welcome TorchManiac!
Enjoy your stay and read the rules!
It's always nice to see a new artistic member join the forums!

Hello, Welcome to the Resource Community!
I'm even slower at ripping! So make yourself at home!
Thanks, wow Previous, I just talked to you right now, but how do I get on that site again? I clicked on Vega's post and found that site, And hello Sh@de, nice meeting you! You both seem like nice people

At the top of the forum, right side, there are a few links (Search, Member List, ...) - including a link to the browser chat client!
Welcome to the Resource, TorchManiac! Don't worry, I take way longer to rip a complete sheet, although to be honest that
does depend on what you're ripping. For example my London Life backgrounds can take under an hour, while the sheet of characters took a few days
with help.
I'm also pretty good at drawing on paper, although even with my drawing tablet I suck at it on the PC, so you're not alone on that one
Anyway, hope you enjoy your time here, you seem like a cool guy!
Welcome to TSR, Torch! Please read the rules and enjoy your stay here!
It takes me a while to rip too if I'm doing it the old fashioned way. Takes me even longer to sprite, hehe.
Either way, hope to see your work soon and maybe we'll see you in the chat sometime!

Welcome to the community TorchManiac! I'm sure you'll love it here. Hey, who knows? Maybe if you try hard enough at MS Paint and post your work here, you might become a professional spriter! Don't be afraid to ask any questions in the "Questions, Info and tutorials" section of the board if you need any help.