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For my first rip I thought of maybe doing some menu options... What I'm asking isn't help to rip the sprites, I already did that. No what I'm asking is simple. 1: I ask if there is a good ref or tutorial on the site for menu's. 2: I ask if someone can tell me when the background should end. The background is scrolling as you can see in the video:
Can someone show me? I'd gladly appreciate it
btw the sheet isn't finished yet, That's just what I did until now
I would make the sheet's background color something other than white for one thing. Also moved to QIT.
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking for.

For the background, take a chunk that is repeatable (so you can just place it next to itself to get the large scrolling thing) and it's fine.

As for the rest, use a non-white background color (look for something neutral).

The flags could be aligned better, they'd be hard to animate as they are now. When ripping GBA games, best guess is to keep graphics within their multiple of 8x8px boxes and align links frames on the same pixel height and with the same pixel gaps in between.

Take a look at this sheet for example, everything is neatly aligned wit an 8x8 pixel grid so it's easier to grab animation frames and put them together properly.
Wait wasn't this already in QIT? Anyways.

@Mighty Jetters: This isn't the completed sheet remember? I know the background has to be a different color from your sprites Smile

@Previous: I also know all this, I read the newcomer's guide before and it only showed me links on how to put a sprite sheet together carefully, this is more of Menu Icon's sheet, It's kind of different. Your sheet might help me.

But that isn't what I need. It's really simple just you see look at this sheet I found:

You see how the Moving background is well arranged and it's easy for people who use the site to put the sprite sheet on over the other. What I mean is if someoe can make it as neat as that sheet. The moving background one isn't looking that well, And it looks a little off.
Still not getting exactly what your after...

I mean the background can be as big as you want it to really, it's just personal preference.
Your background looks a lot simpler so as long as you have it so nothing is cut off (aka it has all the unrepeated bits) your good to go.
(06-22-2012, 08:49 AM)Goemar Wrote: [ -> ]Still not getting exactly what your after...

I mean the background can be as big as you want it to really, it's just personal preference.
Your background looks a lot simpler so as long as you have it so nothing is cut off (aka it has all the unrepeated bits) your good to go.

Seriously. This isn't getting anywhere. So how about I just post another problem?
At the video at 00: 30, you see the gun's bullet holder spinning. On my VBA, do I have to take every Frame or just the 6 main ones?
I'm guessing the red bit in the gun is a separate sprite so the barrel rotation wouldn't have that many frames.
Dive into the tiles to grab the red bit separately.

As for the background thing, after watching the video your's is fine. No idea what your problem is, people are quite capable of copying and pasting it to make a bigger background - think your over thinking it.
I do know what your problem is, I was just in a hurry when I made my first post. Okay, what you should do is, try to find where the background "ends" and then repeats itself (because the graphics are tiled in the game's data after all), and cut it off exactly where it ends (this is hard to explain but try making a copy of the background and connecting it to eachother, and if it looks exactly the same as it does in-game then you have all of the BG that is unique and that's all you need). Here's an example (look on the bottom), see how I only ripped enough of the background so that if you copy-pasted that and connected it together it'd look exactly the same as it does in-game? You don't need to waste space by having extra background since people can easily tile it themselves. Hope that helps!

EDIT: Ninja'd by Goemar, sort of.
Don't you mean... mystical ninja'd?
Ah, Thanks a lot Mighty Jetters! I think you mean something like this?
@Goemar: Sadly that wasn't possible, each time the barrel turns. Each sprite of the barrel has only 1 frame. And when I take a picture of that one frame, there is a lag of course. I guess then the spriters rescource will have to accept only 6 sprites of the gun barrel Smile
Hm, is the gun supposed to be cut off like that when the background repeats? It doesn't look like it because when you tile it it looks like this. I tiled the BG four times, and if you look closely you notice that the parts where they connect aren't quite right so you'll have to capture a little more of the background so that it tiles properly.
Sorry if I come off as confusing. This is a hard thing to explain! ^^;
(06-22-2012, 05:13 PM)Mighty Jetters Wrote: [ -> ]Hm, is the gun supposed to be cut off like that when the background repeats? It doesn't look like it because when you tile it it looks like this. I tiled the BG four times, and if you look closely you notice that the parts where they connect aren't quite right so you'll have to capture a little more of the background so that it tiles properly.
Sorry if I come off as confusing. This is a hard thing to explain! ^^;
Oh crap, you're right.
I tested it myself. The moving background isn't right. This is annoying since the lag messed up the background.
I guess I have to resprite it
Why don't you use AnimGet? It would help in this situation.
Just make sure you read how to use Animget, you don't want to have 10,000 screen shots!
It's a great program for capturing annoyingly fast animations (VBA sometimes skips over "half" frames when doing one frame steps).

I also suggest you look into tiles though, VBA has some very useful sprite viewing tools (well most versions of it do, always worth making sure you have the best one for the job) and it can save a heap of time.
Animget? I never heard of that program...Send me the link. Thanks both of you. Maybe now it won't take me 3 hours to rip a sprite. Big Grin
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