Sonic Adventure 2 was leaked on the xbox live market place for a slight moment. It's likely to come to your 360 and PS3 as a download. There are rumors that it will come to steam eventually and the release date is 3 October.
Can't wait!
Have some pics
It will be remastered in HD and Widescreen.
I thought this was officially announced now?
Steam = mods = YES
Please release sonic 06 on steam sega
"Remastered in HD"
As in, they'll update the textures a bit and add some anti-aliasing.
Somehow I'm not excited. Glad to see they're not removing the Chao Gardens, though I wonder what'll happen with the Chao Adventure/Tiny Chao Garden deal.
Sonic Adventure 2 seems to be a big deal (I find people who became Sonic fans on the Cube seem to love it more) even though I've never seen it as anything special (not counting the awesome soundtrack) so I guess this is going to excite a lot of people. I don't know what treatment the first one got but I can't remember hearing that it looked significantly nicer. Okami HD seems to look a lot nicer than the original though, so I'm guessing certain games just benefit from HD more than others. The PSP God of War HD collection had a lot of work done to it so it is possible we might see a significant upgrade but I doubt it.
This isn't really surprising news though as the first is already available to download. JSRF, Sonic the Arcade Game (which has still yet to get a home release) or Panzer Dragoon (specially as Orta was an Xbox game) would be much more appreciated.
And yeah Viper it would be nice to see 06 on steam as then people could make an actual playable version of it, and it may even turn out it was an OK game (seriously I couldn't get far on it thanks to glitches so I have no idea what most of the game even looks like).
Hopefully if adventure 2 does well we can get an actual sonic adventure 3.
A guy can dream right?
I don't think I'll buy this. I've had my gamecube hooked up with sonic adventure 2 battle being the only game I play on it. If the only thing they have to offer is HD then I won't buy it.
What kind of 2P will it have? Dreamcast or Battle?
Pretty damn excite bike for this. I hope it makes its way over to Steam. Chao modding and legit raising was big back in the day (I have no idea how robust and active those communities are these days). The mod support would be great for Sonic Adventure 2's Chao Garden.
(06-22-2012, 03:23 PM)Sexy Bastard Wrote: [ -> ]Hopefully if adventure 2 does well we can get an actual sonic adventure 3.
A guy can dream right?
I would enjoy it. only if it was a good time sink like Adventure 2 was with getting all A ranks and 180 emblems.
whoa SA2, you surely haven't aged as well as i imagined...
It's announced that the port will be the Dreamcast version with a Battle DLC.
Looking at the screenshots, I'm not going to by this. All I see is slightly tweaked textures. Now if they replaced the character models with their current ones, remade all the character animations and improved the graphics of their stages... That would be something worth buying.
Other than that, I really hope they make a Sonic Adventure 3 that keeps the wonderful gameplay and storyline of SA2.

If I remember correctly the Adventure 1 port was a bag of crap right? So I'm guessing this one will have the same love attention given to it by We Want Your Money Now Sega.
(06-23-2012, 07:21 AM)BlueBlur97 Wrote: [ -> ]Looking at the screenshots, I'm not going to by this. All I see is slightly tweaked textures. Now if they replaced the character models with their current ones, remade all the character animations and improved the graphics of their stages... That would be something worth buying.
Maybe they don't think it'd be worth the effort?
I did -like- the game, but to be honest even if they did all of that stuff I wouldn't be incredibly interested in replaying SA2. I've beaten it twice before (On the dreamcast, then again on the Gamecube) but there really isn't anything sega could do to make me want to play it again. I don't know why. And yet, games like Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask and Super Metroid/Prime are capable of drawing me back in time and again.
If they actually did make Sonic Adventure 3 I'd probably play it, assuming it was about as good as SA1/2. But, knowing Sega, that just isn't a very realistic expectation.
Quote:If I remember correctly the Adventure 1 port was a bag of crap right? So I'm guessing this one will have the same love attention given to it by We Want Your Money Now Sega.
Even if they can't hold onto their past glories forever, they can damn sure try. But Jesus Christ, I'd have expected them to at least try and port the games properly.
The adventure one port was really more or less the same thing as the gamecube and dreamcast games.
the same is pretty much expected here, but to be honest I have no complaints.