Hi guys.
Found this community completely by chance, but it seemed like a friendly place to be, so here I am saying hello.
I've done a fair amount of 3d modelling & animating, but still very much learning. So maybe I can learn a few tricks here and share a few.
Howdy Art, welcome to the Resource! Your modelling and animating will surely be magnified by the help of the knowledgeable people here
In any case I hope you enjoy your time here!
Cheers Puggsoy.
Hopefully I'll be able to give out as much as I learn. Seems to be a fair few skillful folks here.
Welcome Art!
Enjoy your stay, read the rules, e.t.c.
I believe "Model Discussion" is where you can post custom models, so maybe you could show off a few things!
Cheers and hi Sh@de.
Yep, reading the rules was the first thing I did before signing up.
Thanks for the welcome.
you seem like a good member! we, tsr, welcome you and hope you have a good time here!
(06-28-2012, 01:54 PM)Art Wrote: [ -> ]Yep, reading the rules was the first thing I did before signing up.
I love people like this.

Anyhow, welcome to TSR, Art! Please enjoy your stay here!
I hope to see some of your three-dimensional creations!

Thanks Gors, & Mighty Jetters. Really appreciate the welcome.
Yeah, I was thinking I would give/upload some character models I've made, for you guys to see and use. I'll make sure I know the protocol for doing that before I upload anything though.
Y-you actually read the rules before signing up here??
Welcome to tSR community, Art! You sound like a really enthusiastic member!
Feel free to ask for any help if you need any in the Questions, Info, and Tutorials section!