Hello People. I'm not new here. LOL. I returned after 2 years, in which now I am back, more mature. Yes, we're still going to have GBC Bloopers, but, since the Spam Forum is gone, there will be no spam posts like "omg dis awesome xDxDxD" or other random image posts, like cucumber, etc. Just Normal comments, like in a normal forum.
But it wasn't only for these GBC Series I returned. I've been with Rip Projects of those games In the bloopers. I.E. Daffy Duck Fowl Play, LEGO Stunt Rally, A Bug's Life and LEGO Island 2. All for GBC, and continue the Incomplete Toy Story Racer rip.
I Hope you remember me and, well, let's see how things changed here in this forum.
Welcome back! Let's hope it'll go better this time, shall we?
REALLY Much better. Wow, I Saw my older posts and I still can't belive I was with courage to post 'em up...
EDIT: I Need to update my avatar, signature, wow, it'll be lot of work to repair from the crap I just made in 2010.
Welcome back lu9! Never heard of you but I wish well for you, hopefully you can get that rep into the positives.
That too, I almost forgot about the reputation O_O
We need to fix that too right away

As you can see from the current avatar (with buzz lightyear)
well, you should imagine how I was in the past...
Hello again
The community has chilled out quite a bit recently, if you have indeed matured I think everything will be ok

"Chilled out" you say? OF COURSE I learned more english than before so I am understanding more words,
but, never heard about "chilled out" still, hehe

I guess what I mean is we've become more relaxed and not as easily critical or judgmental.
Ah! Good, good.
I hope to find any GBC Bloopers fan that still recognizes me XD
Updated my Avatar now. Finally. I decided not to remove that "or is it the bagel" thingy.

Yeah, banned again. Based on your posts, you really don't seem to have matured at all.
please ban him forever
the whole tSR community thanks you
it feels good that he's in my ignore list
I don't thank him he was my favorite poster and a breath of fresh air in this busy community we call TSR
wait i just noticed he isnt zeldaclassicexpert
they are both my favorite posters
enable thanking in goldmine/closed threads please
(06-30-2012, 12:06 PM)AnG3l_0f_Ku$H_420 Wrote: [ -> ]zeldaclassicexpert
Speaking of which I haven't seen him banned yet.
Which is surprising since all he ever does posts is spam threads.
Not that I care but still, we've long gotten rid of the spamhaul.
But zeldaclassicexpert actually makes me laugh!