Hey guys! It's been quite awhile since I've been around these parts! I haven't been doing much spriting in the past few years, but recently I found this on my external hard drive so I decided to finish up the last item or two an submit it!
UPDATE: Added movement to the SMB2 cherries
I don't sprite too much these days. But if I am ever in the mood to pick it up again, you can hopefully expect another M&L item sheet containing Mario Kart items by Ridge and myself... if I can find it on my hard drive that is lol
(07-01-2012, 11:23 AM)A.J. Nitro Wrote: [ -> ]They look good to me.
Thanks AJ! It's good to see ya again aha

I really love these. Have you considered making an animation for the cherries?
(07-01-2012, 11:50 AM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]I really love these. Have you considered making an animation for the cherries?
Thanks Ton! Now that you think of it, I do suppose the cherries did have some sort of a movement in SMB2. I'll try to animate it later today. I just hope my spriting "skills" aren't too rusty aha
I think your skills are still great! You should try to do some Paper Mario or Mario RPG items sometime.

(07-01-2012, 12:42 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]I think your skills are still great! You should try to do some Paper Mario or Mario RPG items sometime. 
Thank you! Well I would have to say that spriting for the most part isn't really my motif anymore. But I do enjoy seeing other people's work and spriting every now and then. So maybe I might try another style of Mario items someday

These aren't too shabby at all. Good to see people keeping the M&L spirit alive(and the right way). Good work!
(07-01-2012, 09:30 PM)Star Wrote: [ -> ]These aren't too shabby at all. Good to see people keeping the M&L spirit alive(and the right way). Good work!
Woah! Long time no see Star! Thanks man!
BTW I updated the sheet and added in some movement for the SMB2 cherries (it's on the first post). So if there aren't any major issues with the sheet thus far, I'm happy with submitting it how it is now

Howdy, my apologies for bumping this topic.
I just notice that my sheet hasn't been put onto the main site yet (from what I can see). Are there any things that I need to fix with the sheet?

You know you can actually upload the sheet to the site yourself now, right?