Tomorrow, I will be taking a trip to where most of my family are. I won't be online as much because there is no internet there. Or Computers for that matter.
I'll return July 15th. :>
You'll be back by the time I turn 21 then, alrighty. Catch you later~
See ya dude! Have a good trip.
Have a great time mate, see ya when you return!
See you when you return, IF you return.....mwahahahaha
Seriously though, have a good trip!

Bye bye, TSR's color changist!
I think it'd be funny if you set your avatar to a greyed-out palette while you're gone.
But even if you don't do that, have a good trip, dude!
have a good trip, recolobuddy. here's a going away gift.
i couldn't really find any way to animate the pose i made, so you'll have to settle for static.

(07-01-2012, 04:46 PM)recolorme Wrote: [ -> ]Tomorrow, I will be taking a trip to where most of my family are. I won't be online as much because there is no internet there. Or Computers for that matter.
does your family live in my city??
have a nice trip!
See you later. Have a nice trip!
IM BACK EVERYONE!!!! I had a nice trip. I went to Dominican Republic (I'm spanish by the way.) and I was with my cousins. We traveled around the country. Went to countless waterfalls and beaches with cold water, I even rode a horse for the first time!!. We brought tents and slept at a beach! It was all a great experience and I had alot of fun with my sister and family.
And since i'm back, I'll be back to continue on more of my stuff such as TSR Story and Project BRAD. And I won't forget about my TFR character(I'll work on it when im not so uninspired...)!
It's good to be back! Thank you all for caring and thank you for the gift, Crapster bud!
if you were gone this whole time
then who thanked all those posts?!?