I think this is pretty straight forward.
We all care on what we look like in this game. In this thread you post your
best loadout, and we rate it/comment on it.
Default's still the best Scattergun, imo.
What the hell is that. I think you installed a mod mate, that's nothing like the original Scattergun.
I'll choose among my loadouts (since I've never actually compared them before) and make a screenshot soon.
(07-04-2012, 12:16 PM)puggsoy Wrote: [ -> ]What the hell is that. I think you installed a mod mate, that's nothing like the original Scattergun.
babyface blaster or something like that, its the new one
probs a display error
I'll go with Keychain and post my favourite loadout from each class. Keep in mind that I actually change loadouts a lot, depending on the team I'm on or the current situation. For example, when attacking as a Heavy I often use the Tomislav and Dalakohs Bar. With some classes, such as the Spy, I seldom change loadouts (since my Spy technique rarely changes), but otherwise it mostly depends on the situation at hand.
That being said, each loadout was chosen because I've been using it a lot lately (which often means it's my favourite anyway).
(07-04-2012, 10:59 PM)Meta Wrote: [ -> ] (07-04-2012, 03:47 PM)puggsoy Wrote: [ -> ]when attacking as a Heavy I often use the Tomislav
that explains a lot.
I take it that's a bad idea?
Well yeah it doesn't always help, it is pretty slow, but it's OK in close-combat situations. I do have another loadout with the Dalakohs Bar and Natascha, which I use when attacking and the Tomislav doesn't quite cut it.
(07-05-2012, 04:39 AM)puggsoy Wrote: [ -> ]Well yeah it doesn't always help, it is pretty slow, but it's OK in close-combat situations. I do have another loadout with the Dalakohs Bar and Natascha, which I use when attacking and the Tomislav doesn't quite cut it.
You should just learn to use the actual minigun.
ie. the good one.
I guess so, it's just that I like using non-default stuff (although to be honest I did switch to Fists instead of Warrior's Spirit recently). I mean, the Minigun just seems bland, if you know what I mean.
I'll try using it in my loadouts though, and if I see any improvement I'll keep it. Thanks for the tip

(07-05-2012, 02:13 PM)puggsoy Wrote: [ -> ]I guess so, it's just that I like using non-default stuff (although to be honest I did switch to Fists instead of Warrior's Spirit recently). I mean, the Minigun just seems bland, if you know what I mean.
get poker night at the inventory and get the iron curtain, its identical to the minigun but is different in terms of design and such
you just have to beat heavy in a game of poker

Well, I do have $7.51 in my Steam Wallet, but it'd be a waste of money since I don't play/enjoy poker, nor do I expect to in the future (although I do expect the game would be pretty funny due to the characters).
However, you did give me an idea: I can just install a custom skin for the Minigun. The only difference between doing this and getting the Iron Curtain is that I'll see other players' miniguns with the skin too, but it's really a minor detail. So yeah, thanks for that

(07-05-2012, 02:20 PM)Sonikku Wrote: [ -> ] (07-05-2012, 02:13 PM)puggsoy Wrote: [ -> ]I guess so, it's just that I like using non-default stuff (although to be honest I did switch to Fists instead of Warrior's Spirit recently). I mean, the Minigun just seems bland, if you know what I mean.
get poker night at the inventory and get the iron curtain, its identical to the minigun but is different in terms of design and such
you just have to beat heavy in a game of poker
that, or you could pick any mod and replace your stock minigun with whatever other model you like c:
(for free)
Here's an idea: extract all of the Tomislav data from your gcf file, then rename it all so it's to represent the stock minigun, then put it all into your TF2 folder.
Boom, you get your Tomislav, and it won't be a completely obnoxious weapon~