This is my first attempt at custom pixel art. It's nothing special, but I thought I'd share it with the community since everyone was so friendly to me when I introduced myself.
This is called the "
Shoshinsha Mark," which all new drivers in Japan must display it in their rear window during their first year on the road.
I was going for a heavily pixelated, NES-era look, and I'm pleased with the way it turned out. It makes a decent icon for forums; you can give it to new members that haven't posted yet or have only made a few posts (that's how I use it).
Feel free to use it yourself.

Looks like it took a great deal of effort.
I just thought it might be something no one had thought to "pixelize" before, at least not on an English-language website. It's been a useful graphic for me, so I wanted to share it with what I thought to be a friendly community. Oh well.
Oh, no, we aren't trying to be rude. It's just not particularly impressive, being such an incredibly simple design. I would recommend trying to practice your pixel art skills by spriting something a little more complex--but not too difficult. Perhaps a character or some sort of object, rather than such a simple logo.
More complex, you say? Is that a challenge to take on the
Koureisha Mark!?
Four colors!

I challange you to sprite Katamari drinking a
cappazushi cappuccino.
Also, that symbol has been done in pixels before... Gors recently showed me
this here: the Shoshinsha mark in Kirby Super Star!
By the way you have a single brighter yellow pixel there on your version. Also, please showcase pixels at 1x scale

Thanks for pointing that out. I'm on it!
I'm sorry about the scale thing. I just posted it in the scale it was created in.
Hey cappazushi, I recognized that symbol! (I happen to be Japanese too). But yeah, it's not impressive at all. Sure, it works, but it's not hard to make two colored shapes, if you know what I mean.
Characters, objects and animals are much more challenging and interesting to sprite, so I suggest trying them next.
(07-08-2012, 09:28 AM)Gors Wrote: [ -> ](I happen to be Japanese too).
I thought you were Brazilian!

He can be half-each, it's not like he has to be one or the other.
I am actually 100% japanese, I just happen to be living in Brazil

though I've been eating mandioca and feijoada for the last 13 years, so I can say I'm brazillian too...
(07-08-2012, 09:42 AM)Deathbringer Wrote: [ -> ]He can be half-each, it's not like he has to be one or the other.
I know that, I just never knew he was Japanese at all.
Learn something new every day I guess!
(07-08-2012, 10:11 AM)Gors Wrote: [ -> ]though I've been eating mandioca and feijoada for the last 13 years, so I can say I'm brazillian too...
For the last 13 years?!'ve been eating them since I was born!!
back on topic fellas. you can start a fanpage about gors's diet somewhere else.
I think you should sprite gors eating the items his diet consists of