I'm trying to keep a set "limit" on the pallete scale, with the maximum of 8 (two shades of each color, but unfortunately it might end up being costly).
End result. Though, I would like to know of that Banjo-Kazooie sprite project's pallete limit. It would REALLY help out here.

Superman has problems of his own, mainly the arms which I'm trying to fix. Next is the Green Lantern. Only problem is that unlike the previous supers before Green Lantern, there's no consistancy as it's an intergalactic group. So I need help picking out a Lantern. (Hal Jordan, Guy Gardener, John Stewart, and Kyle Rayner, along with their uniform, since unlike Batman who has like two, and the rest were semi-consistant, these guys had the most change in their uniform)
And for why Wonder Woman's the way she is, some details had to be sacrificed, which is why she has white in her pallete, so it can be used in conjunction to get a sense that her gauntlets are there, same with the tiara, as sometimes her hair covers it.
Use Hal Jordan for Green Lantern. 'nuff said.
Trying to keep the "theme" while thinking of a lantern rep (between Hal Jordan, Guy Gardener, and the JLU Green Lantern), have a revamped robin instead, with a lot of the problems addressed.
I asked drakocat if she wanted to make a version of the protagonist because I had no idea where to go with him origionally, so I settled on this, which is a sort of simplified version of drakocat's little tweaking of the character. Thanks goes out to her, now that he's hopefully game-worthy now.
Star DID inspire me to do something like this.. But it seems proportionally off..
his right shoulder pad seems awfully high up.
He kinda looks like he got hit by a truck.
what exactly were you going for?
A revamp?/
^Exactly. Just wanted to try something out. A total revamp of the style, hey. Star's doin' it and nobody seems confused. Plus since I do know that the SNES is easier to hack than the PSX.. Seriously, there's no user-friendly way to hack a PSX rom. And yet the PSX style is more popular than the SNES counterpart. I would also like to know why he looks like "he got hit by a truck".
I'll see what I can do about the shoulder pad. My only sprite source as a ref of X in a newer sprite style is project x zone, so it's kinda hard to work with a jpeg.
Here's the second try, with most of the problems hopefully adressed. Let the Meta-Knightmare begin.
again, his shoulders seem too far up. it makes him look really tense, which isn't what i'd expect from a battle-ready X.
try to make some sort of distinction between the gray on his chest plate and the light blue on his stomach; right now, they're blending into each other, and it's not very readable.
I tried lowering the shoulders a little lower this time. Also, which shade of gray looks best?
X gas grey on him?
His head looks a bit too far back or something. I'm not sure what it is but it gives him the appearance of not having a neck.
Yes Goemar, his "chest plates"
are a shade of grey. Also neither of those greys are much different and still don't pop out from the light blue. I also feel like his head should be moved to the left a pixel or so. You also can't see his left (our right) shoulder very much, and it doesn't point out as much as the other one does, it kinda droops down on his arm or something. It should poke up a bit more.
Not in game.
And not in MMX 1
As this is based of X from the SNES games, and not the PS1 ones, I'd remove it.