Tribes Ascend is a great game and it's alot of fun!
So if anyone is interested in playing this game click the link below and you will be happy and me too!
This is also a discussion thread for people who already play the game or just want to talk about it!
Let it begin.
My bro has been playing this game like mad, I keep forgetting to download it!

It's definitely a step up from the last Tribes game, and I love the addition of skiing.
on a related note, i have to play the game at minecraft mode (128x128 textures and no shaders) to get just above 15fps, but the skiing definitely makes the game interesting and unique.
except for llamas.
I had a beta for the game earlier in the year
... that I never actually got around to playing...
and now I don't have a computer to play it on.
But it really does look awesome, and I'll echo the others' sentiments and say that the skiing is really cool, as well as the focus on projectile combat rather than hitscan weapons.
I run a the low-end config and I run it at about 35 fps luckely, compared to the 10 fps with lowest settings.
Oh, Minecraft config doesn't help much either, it's the same, but just looks worse.
I played the beta, it was fun a few times. Mostly it was boring because everybody sucked.
(07-10-2012, 07:45 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]I played the beta, it was fun a few times. Mostly it was boring because everybody sucked.
Sounds like my kind of party!...
... I mean, yeah - skiing is cool (if award to get used to).
i love it when i hit a speed over 200km/h while skiing
then smack into a wall and explode
What I currently hate is the brutes. They are very fucking overpowered if people can use them abit. Dem fractal grenades.
fucking noobs....
(07-15-2012, 07:18 AM)thegameexplorer Wrote: [ -> ]What I currently hate is the brutes. They are very fucking overpowered if people can use them abit. Dem fractal grenades.
fucking noobs....
Overpowered, if people can use them...
Maybe you're just not that good of a player?
(07-15-2012, 07:18 AM)thegameexplorer Wrote: [ -> ]What I currently hate is the brutes. They are very fucking overpowered if people can use them abit. Dem fractal grenades.
i hate it when i'm going for the flag, i announce "ill go for the flag" and go to chat and say "ill get the flag guys" and right as i'm about to grab it a teammate rolls by and says "hey look, the flag i better take it hurrderr"
... Isn't the flag like, the entire point? Like, everybody should be aiming for it?
(07-16-2012, 04:36 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]... Isn't the flag like, the entire point? Like, everybody should be aiming for it?
except the brutes
which 70% of the time go for the flag
yeah brutes really have no reason being around a flag at all unless they're on defense or drawing fire
honestly i just play the class with the shotgun because it's ridiculously broken