I've got to be honest with you bnewton, your not going to get any better if you haven't listened to the advice that was already given to you. Said it before but I looked at that fighters resource thread, browsed a bit and found out that alot of the advice there was relevant.
I want to help, but at this point it's kind of hard to do so when I see someone who claims "they want to change" and don't bother to make the effort to at least listen.
If you're seriously going to change like you said when you got back,
then please read on and actually try taking the advice given and prove it, otherwise just get out because I'm not going to even bother having a repeat of the stone guy thread since I'm not in the mood for it.
First of all, just ditch this if you're going for slime. It isn't slime. It's just something else entirely. If anything you can bring your sprites from the fighters resource thread and put them here. There isn't a way you can get on that project at all if you have read what gors said. Doesn't mean you can't bring them here and work on those solely for fun, just don't do them for the project.
Next, take some of the advice from there and use it to your advantage. I'm not going to bother explaining it all myself so let me bring some quotes from there here.
(07-08-2012, 09:58 PM)Baegal Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: uffRZ.png]](http://i.imgur.com/uffRZ.png)
There's plenty you could do with the slime being the central part.
Even if you don't feel like the slime is the main part of the design, these designs are more uniform. Right now, yours is an unexplained mash up of shapes and forms.
Additionally, how do plan to attack? let alone jump? The design you have now doesn't make for actions like jumping and ducking, which are pretty crucial to the moveset.
Also, hold off on the actual sprite for now. the continuous addition of sprites, when they still need to be fixed, gets us nowhere. It's just giving you more work.
How about being an assist for now? Settle on a basic action and make sure it works. Fun Fact: I was actually going to be an assist, but I decided to expand it once I'd further developed the moveset, design, abilities, etc.
(07-08-2012, 09:47 PM)alexmach1 Wrote: [ -> ]lazy and unshaded edit, but you can try this as a silhouette
![[Image: VPlQR.png]](http://i.imgur.com/VPlQR.png)
basically, instead of everything horizontal, you could pose things in a way that a normal person would pose while keeping the idea of a floaty object thing, making animating it easier since it has a more humanoid shape which can be referenced
(07-08-2012, 08:12 PM)Baegal Wrote: [ -> ]The character is also very static. The design of it doesn't really fit the bouncy, energetic style TFR has going. It doesn't seem to make too much sense either; there doesn't seem to be much significance for everything. They look a little too random.
The idea of a slime character is promising, because we don't really have one yet (unless I'm a major derp and am forgetting someone :U), but the slime aspect of your character isn't necessary, considering what you have going on.
I would suggest keeping the slime idea, but try to develop a more uniform design (if that makes any sense).
EDIT: I skipped the part where you mentioned the telekinetic part the first time I read your post. Again, it's an interesting concept, but I feel more should be accentuated on the slime part.
I'm having trouble explaining my thoughts, but I think what I'm trying to say is that the character seems a little out of place. Most characters here are bigger, simpler shapes (Gors' and mine is the salt shaker/bullet shape, Robo9 is basic squares and thin limbs, Virt and Meta are a simplified human, etc.) Right now the character seems a little too small and compact, when we are looking or very clean, readable sprites, i guess? Sorry if I'm not making much sense 
See all of them? good.
Now take in the criticism and use it to improve your sprites and stop defending your sprites. Even good artists/spriters take criticism into consideration to make their work better. I don't care what your reason is to not even take it, just do it and stop whining already.
That said not everything is a personal attack against you, so stop making everything into an argument.
If there is one other thing I ought to mention, stop being down on yourself because everyone fucking hates you. Chances are the reason why everyone is making you the butt of jokes on here is because you don't learn from your mistakes. Mistakes can be motivational tools to make you better, not just with art but you as a person. How you act on the internet can reflect on you in real life, so if you want everyone to stop hating you, look at what you do, stop humping your ass with your head and look with your own eyes to see what you did wrong and think about what you could have done better.
I took the liberty to give you advice out of my own time. I god to hell hope you listen because if you don't then honestly, you have absolutely no hope here, and it's going to come down on you in the long run.