I'll be heading away for a few days starting tomorrow and won't be able to access the site, or even rip sprites (not that I've been doing that lately anyway). I'm not sure how long but it probably won't be more than 5 days.
Dunno if I should have made a thread for this or if anybody cares but just thought to mention it to avoid confusion (although I will set my profile as on vacation).
By the way, would I be allowed to re-use this thread every time I go away? It'd be handy, then I don't have to make a new thread every time and clog up the forums.
Sure we care! Have a great time!
And yes of course you can.

Yea uhm goodbye
see you when you're back.
I'm back. 'Twas all right, went to Cairo and saw the pyramids and all. It was extremely hot though, glad to be back where it's a bit less so.
Welcome back!
Hope you brought some ancient mummies with you.
Nah, he only brought new ones. It's amazing how fast they churn those out!
Yeah, only new ones, they don't make them as they used to though. Which explains the toilet paper shortage in the area.
Seriously though, the pyramids were pretty cool. I'd been before, we mostly went for my sister who didn't see them last time, but it was too warm to enjoy it properly. We still took some nice photos though, there are a couple with me on a camel

How are you using the internet on a camel? Is it carrying a wireless router with it?

Didn't you know? Camels are local hotspots!
But in all reality I hope your trip was fantabulous!
I'll be going tomorrow afternoon to another town to see relatives for about a day or so. Hardly worth mentioning really but just in case anybody wonders why I won't post for a full 24-48 hours.
Hey, I made a post for leaving for two days so it's okay if you do, too.
Have fun!!
I'm back. We only stayed a night and came back about the same time we went. It was flipping hot though, jeez man, didn't even have air conditioning. Now that I'm talking about it I better turn it on...