It's a frightening realization that there could be people like him around you at anytime that show no prior mental issues
I'm just happy more people weren't killed, with what he had there could have been a lot more casualties
It's a supprisingly deadly world out there. You have to be extremely careful since you won't know when your life's at stake.
The guy was totally nuts then.
Also I hate to bring this up but... that's not the proper use of irony Dazz. Its when the opposite intention occurs.
For example, a germaphobe doesn't want to die of germs so he sprays the room with disinfectant. Then dies from breathing in too much disinfectant. That's irony.
Um sorry to bring that up here.
(07-20-2012, 07:44 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]Ironic because of the content of such a film; Batman, a superhero, stopping the bad guys?
The sad part is that in the end, nobody wins. If the bad guy is caught, it will certainly sadden muderer's family further, adding to the "destroyed families" list.
(07-20-2012, 03:05 PM)Rosencrantz Wrote: [ -> ]So all in all, this is extremely, EXTREMELY fucked up, and I can't imagine how any person could become such a monster.
Though, there are many ways to become such a monster, and the worst part is many of them are easy.
(07-20-2012, 03:20 PM)[robo9] Wrote: [ -> ]I doubt we'd be overtaken by a foreign country.
Tactical nukes. If it can't be conquered, destroy it.
(07-20-2012, 05:18 PM)Shadow Kami Wrote: [ -> ]It's a supprisingly deadly world out there. You have to be extremely careful since you won't know when your life's at stake.
I would have to agree to you there, as there are many ways to die. A massacre would be one of them.
(07-20-2012, 05:32 PM)Gaia Wrote: [ -> ] (07-20-2012, 03:20 PM)[robo9] Wrote: [ -> ]I doubt we'd be overtaken by a foreign country.
Tactical nukes. If it can't be conquered, destroy it.
May I ask how tactical nukes are relevant? My comment was in response to S. Kami saying that if we banned guns we'd have been taken over by a foreign country.
I meant that we would I meant it would be more of a posibility. My fault for not making it clear.
(07-20-2012, 07:44 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ] (07-20-2012, 06:42 AM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]I don't understand how this is ironic?
Ironic because of the content of such a film; Batman, a superhero, stopping the bad guys?
when I first heard about it I was thinking about how batman just got done watching the mark of zorro before his parents got shot
I thought it might be some sicko who might be trying to emulate what happened and make a real batman
(07-20-2012, 05:56 PM)[robo9] Wrote: [ -> ] (07-20-2012, 05:32 PM)Gaia Wrote: [ -> ] (07-20-2012, 03:20 PM)[robo9] Wrote: [ -> ]I doubt we'd be overtaken by a foreign country.
Tactical nukes. If it can't be conquered, destroy it.
May I ask how tactical nukes are relevant? My comment was in response to S. Kami saying that if we banned guns we'd have been taken over by a foreign country.
This maniac who went on a killing spree decided to have "his own way of fun", it must've took a lot of "courage" to pull this act off, as nobody else would want to do it as it is a frightening idea.
Plus a tactical nuke would most likely do more damage than simply using an opposing armed force as we would have aerial support to fend off the invading country while being unarmed, as it would obliterate enemy bases (keeping us from getting aerial support), but that's for another time.
@Amon: Oh what an -ironic- world we live in.
What the heck is even going on in this topic?
Was watching this on the news the other day. Heard 10 died on site, 4 in hospital and 50 injured with a possible rising total.
It's just disgraceful. Random attacks like this on people who have done you no wrong are just so hard to even mentally accept have actually happened. One moment you're off to see a film the next that's it - all thanks to some guy you don't know with a gun. It's such a terrible waste. Just the idea that someone can take a life without even remotely caring about it.
I know America has a BIG thing with guns and it's not a straight forward issue (not to mention would take years and a lot of money to change and enforce) but stuff like this always makes me angry at America's stance with guns. Yes people are going to go crazy but I'd rather they didn't have guns when they did. How many school shootings and shit like this does it take for something to be done? Do people love having a gun so much it's worth more than a life of a child?
It just pisses me off and yeah I get emotional with shit like this because no matter that happens to this person it'll never bring those who died back, will never heal the mental wounds of those who were hit but survived - he'll never feel the pain and sorrow that he caused and such a injustice just makes me so damn angry. People like this having nothing loose so they're never going to be punished for their crimes.
On the gun laws topic:
We would not be conquered by banning civilian weaponry. That's... pretty ridiculous actually. Civilians do not enter into combat against enemy soldiers, none of which would ever be able to even get onto US soil (are we at war with Canada now?)
If any nation in the world ever even thought of pointing a nuke at us, they'd be annihilated within the hour. We simply have too much fire power in that department for anyone to dream of fucking with us.
Stricter gun laws are going to be necessary to progress as a free nation. The world isn't free when anyone and their mother could snuff you out at any time. If the backlash against a zero tolerance ban is that strong, then we don't do zero tolerance. But I don't see why anyone needs more than two licensed fire arms in their possession, and why they would need anything even close to semi-automatic weaponry. Handguns for defense, and hunting rifles for... hunting. That's all any civilian needs.
(07-20-2012, 03:25 PM)Rλy Wrote: [ -> ]In this case, the guy might have resorted to using explosives to kill, which would most likely have resulted in even more deaths.
oh yeah, didn't he rig his apartment with explosives and had everyone in the building evacuated?
(07-21-2012, 05:52 AM)Sonikku Wrote: [ -> ] (07-20-2012, 03:25 PM)Rλy Wrote: [ -> ]In this case, the guy might have resorted to using explosives to kill, which would most likely have resulted in even more deaths.
oh yeah, didn't he rig his apartment with explosives and had everyone in the building evacuated?
His apartment is set to blow at the slightest awkward touch, and has not yet been disarmed. The entire building has been evacuated for quite a while now.
(07-20-2012, 03:23 PM)senjen Wrote: [ -> ]@Shadow Kami well that stinks they could at least make the rules alot more harsh for owning guns i guess, plus the fact i am Canadian and i have never seen real guns before except on tv 
hope this guys gets treated harshly most like he will be sentected to jail for life.
canadian gun laws are even more lenient than american ones. it's just a matter of people here being more batshit insane.
who knows? maybe it's because we don't have free healthcare like everybody else
(07-20-2012, 06:11 PM)Amon Wrote: [ -> ]when I first heard about it I was thinking about how batman just got done watching the mark of zorro before his parents got shot
I thought it might be some sicko who might be trying to emulate what happened and make a real batman
'Gaia Wrote:@Amon: Oh what an -ironic- world we live in.
that's not irony
that's coincidental
not to be a tool but that part of batman happened
outside the theater. if it was that coincidental and holmes was that nuts he would have finished watching the movie and then gunned down a kid's parents right in the theatre parking lot (which, in actuality wouldn't have put this on national television tbh).
actually i thought in the dark knight rises comic
there's a man who enters an adult porn theatre, takes out a handgun and opens fire on the crowd. he thought satan was coming to kill him and mankind, and felt that all people in an adult film theatre are scum who revel in the pleasures of the devil
yeah this doesn't quite make a real batman, this is just going to make ticket prices go up because of the need to employ more security at movie theatres
and adult film theatres to shut down
also, holmes played world of warcraft and league of legends
time to ban online gaming because they're to blame for causing mass murderers to go over the edge
(actually though ill be honest i'm glad the media didnt jump on this guy and immediately blame video games and south park again)