All of the Robopon from the Game Boy game... Robopon. They weren't on the site, so I figured I should at least try and submit them.

Hopefully I did everything correctly. >>
What the hell is doing CyberCat Kurochan among the other robots? O_o
Nice stuff anyways.
...Thank you for that. I knew that Robopon had to be a reference to something, but I didn't know what.
At any rate, the developers of the game love their pop culture references. There's also a Robopon version of Megaman in there.
Wow this game looks awesome. Good job, great rips (:
aaaaaa I need to go play this game
good job
also is that a robopon giygas that I see much as I'd like a Robopon Giygas, I don't see it. Which one are you referring to?