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I didn't even refer to the Skype stuff so I don't get what your issue is here. Also let me say that the IRC isn't completely idle, recently we've been having increasing activity on there. But that's not really the point of this topic, so whatevs - If you feel like discussing this further, you know how to contact me.
everyone should calm down here, it doesnt matter anyway because the best scribbler (me) doesn´t go to either boards, or any to be exact; you aren´t missing anything (heh)
but its been clarified that the private board is because of the questionable content that can´t be displayed on the main board, so making another board was the best option. People are free to create their own or stick to the main one if they want.
this being said I´ll visit TSR scribble tonight.
(05-10-2013, 07:15 PM)Gorsalami Wrote: [ -> ]the private board is because of the questionable content that can´t be displayed on the main board
But isn't the private board only really used to draw maidsuk--
oh right...
Also to be fairly honest, Scribbling stops and go pretty often, it's still not one week since we started to use it again, and that's because we make appointments to do it. I check the TSR Board every other time, and there's no one. Judging by the amount of thanks Previous' posts had, if people were to plan a drawing session, I'm sure there would be more than enough for everyone to have a blast! I don't know why this isn't done, it's hard to be at the board everytime. Also, private boards are sometimes used because some drawings hog a lot of space, I'm sure some people wouldn't like just go there to sit and see a drawing being made (and I'm sure the author of the drawing wouldn't want it erased by anyone). It's not a secret group thing. There are Nii Nii boards as there are boards that are mainly just 2 users and so on.
I'm sorry I said something.
(05-10-2013, 07:48 PM)Previous Wrote: [ -> ]I'm sorry I said something.
it's okay, you have to feel the conclusions that you draw
maybe as members of the of an already active iscribble we were a bit numb to the fact that others might want to draw with us.
but if anybody does want to scribble all they have to do is ask
well everything aside... I'll only say that I at least agree that more people should be drawing, on the TSR board or otherwise, because drawing together is fun. we should start arranging for people to enter! I'd like to draw with some of you~
but the argument ends now.
please don't worry Previous. it was a genuine concern and you had good intentions.

![[Image: 0EaRIOi.png]](
oh look activity
added flannel too
Maidsukki as Dawn
Sevenstitch as Piplup
and Zadaben as Zadaben
So I log in, and I'm just stuck at the portal and can't go anywhere..Any help heheh
if you just registered then it might take some time to process
sevenstitch: i love kk slider
sevenstitch: he holds a guitar though, btw
you should contact some people on skype or your messanger of choice then, or maybe even pm people that are online. even just posting a drawing that you do alone could inspire some people to join in scribbling with you.
Just thought id post before clearing
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