(07-27-2012, 08:52 PM)Gors Wrote: [ -> ]We just opened a TSR board on iScribble, if you're up for a group doodle, join us!
Drop your iScribble username here, and you shall be added to the board.
Let's have fun drawing :>
Mines ShadowKami(Obviously so I have less to remeber)
Just ma=de it since I forgot my old one and that one was for a different email.
Also note:
to zoom in, right click and hit zoom in (it's flash player zoom in)
to move while zoomed in, hold alt and use left click
there's three layers; pay attention to which one you're on
i shall mustache everything

Well give crappy a forehead stache and we'll see what it looks like.

(Also Mighty won't be alone.)
Then you can stache everything you want.
When I enter Mighty Jetters or MightyJetters it tells me that my username is too long. :I
I'll have to come up with another.
abbreviate it to something else, like 'MJetters' or something. That's how we could sign up, heh
(07-27-2012, 09:23 PM)Gors Wrote: [ -> ]abbreviate it to something else, like 'MJetters' or something. That's how we could sign up, heh
(07-27-2012, 09:22 PM)Mighty Jetters Wrote: [ -> ]I'll have to come up with another.
I edited my post too late lol. Yeah that was the point, I could obviously do that but I really don't want to use my internet alias at all if it can't be spelled out. I'd rather have another name. Anyhow I already made my account and it says it needs to be verified (when I tried to log in it took me to a blank page so I'm guessing I have to wait).
My username is still Devicho. (Why didn't you guys tell me about this sooner. :I)
Baegal C:
(this message is too short.)
Sure, sounds fun. :3
Strasteo, same as here.
I would love to doodle with you guys
sevenstitch is my name everywhere
Mine is Tellis... I think. When I log in it just goes to a blank page with the logo and three squares... unless that's what people mean by waiting to be verified or something? I responded to the email, so I don't see why it doesn't work... >>
I joined even though my tablet is on the fritz. TomGuycott, just like here.
I am also having the same issue Tellis has.
(07-28-2012, 12:38 AM)Tellis Wrote: [ -> ]Mine is Tellis... I think. When I log in it just goes to a blank page with the logo and three squares... unless that's what people mean by waiting to be verified or something? I responded to the email, so I don't see why it doesn't work... >>
You have to wait while their staff apparently manually verifies your account or something. For some people, that's < 30 minutes. For me, it was the full 24 hours (they say it takes up to 24 hours on their faq).