So, as I am a new arrival here in the land of spriters and rippers, I wanted to ask what I feel is a very important question: what is it I should be spriting first. Assuming I have absolutely no prior experience in spriting, what should I be doing first?
I'd like specific pieces or things to sprite. No vague answers, if you please.

Sprite whatever you want; it's a form of art, and art is pretty much about expressing yourself. Sure that's an incredibly generic statement but it's pretty much true.
If you're not confident in the sprite you made,
you can post it here and get some feedback on it. People there will give you advice and tell you how to improve and whatnot.
You can't exactly expect people you give you any sort of advice or anything of the like if you don't actually do something first.
(07-28-2012, 04:04 PM)saltonara Wrote: [ -> ]You can't exactly expect people you give you any sort of advice or anything of the like if you don't actually do something first.
I wasn't saying that I wanted someone to do something for me and I apologize if it comes off that way but what I meant was that for drawing, you start with learning how to hold the pencil and how to draw the face and torso. I was wondering if it was the same with learning to be a pixel artist. I'll post some of the things I worked on I just wanted to know if there were any exercises I should be doing.
Exercises. I probably should have used that word in my first post. My apologies.
Just do something you're interested in so when you're told it's crap (which it will be because it's your first one) you have the drive to improve it and become good instead of giving up.