Happy Birthday to our lovely Chrisy-poo!~
You seem to share a birthday with lots of other members...
Bon anniversaire Chris deux boules!
Watch me slaughter the french language 
it is written: hbd chris2balls
i am very fluent in french
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag

Yom Huledet Same'ach!
¡Feliz cumpleaños!
Happy Birthday!
Edit: How did I miss this cheesy pun, Happy Ballsday!
I won't even try to speak French
Happy birthday Chris
Happy Birthday Chris2Balls :B
Have a good one!
And now that you have reached the prestigious age of 20
we entrust to you
a third ball
we hope you can keep up to our expectations
Happy birthday, Chris3Balls
Happy Birthday

Happy birthday, and we hope to see your juggling skills improve this coming year!