I've decided it'd be nice to have one document where we can organize our thoughts, so I decided
to create one! Of course, it's missing everything at the moment, but hopefully it can build its way up to something that can steer this project in the right direction. If you want permission to add/edit things, please message me and I'll add you to the list of document owners!
Sure, why not?

I've started a few topics on the doc that should be detailed more.
I want to ask everyone else how they feel about how Online Mode should function and about the main game modes.
I think we decided a while back to make a simple single player mode for the demo. And then expand from that as the game gets bigger.
I've edited the permissions! Anyone can jump in and add things to the doc now.
Also added a bit to the menus portion.
We've been making some substantial progress with the doc lately! Please hop in and add some more detailed descriptions, or help fill in the character moveset info!
Sorry for the triple post, but some sneaky folk went and erased the whole doc! Luckily, using Google's revision history wizardry, I was able to restore it, but I've disabled the ability for everyone to edit now. If you want permission to add to the doc, please message me! Otherwise, I've enabled commenting on the document, so if you'd like to suggest improvements or new sections, you can comment in the area you'd like them to be.
Aaaaand we continue! I should be on the doc in a couple hours filling out character information. If you'd like to hop on and help, it'd be much-appreciated!
Starting this old thing up again.
Gonna be working on some stage ideas. If anyone'd like to help contribute that doesn't already have editing capabilities, PM me and I'll add you!
Link to design doc
So, what idea's could I contribute if I was given editing capabilities?
Heck, I don't even know if I'm qualified since I haven't really assisted with this project much, but I was just curious.
(02-02-2013, 09:30 PM)ShadeDBZ Wrote: [ -> ]So, what idea's could I contribute if I was given editing capabilities?
Heck, I don't even know if I'm qualified since I haven't really assisted with this project much, but I was just curious.
Just throw out any ideas you feel like! We can always change and edit for quality later. There are certain things that don't need to be added to right now (characters' B moves, items that aren't assist cards), but we still need to figure what modes and features would be good/feasible to include in the demo.