I'm DrevanZero. I already have a topic going in Sprites and Pixel Art, so some of you may already sorta know me. I run a forum called Metroid Revival, which hosts multiple Metroid fangames, we can be found here, at
http://metroidrevival.freeforums.org I sprite, make music, and am learning to program Game Maker Language. I'm 14, and about to be a Sophmore. Well, that's a little about me, hope I can have a good time here!
Your younger than me an is going to be a sophmore.

Anyway welcome to the forums.
Welcome to the forums!
I hope you enjoy your time here!
Wow you're two/three years younger than me yet your first sprite is better than mine was!
Lol but to be fair I wasn't a member here and thus I had hardly any knowledge of spriting so... Welcome to TSR, please read the rules and enjoy your stay here!
Wow 14, that's the youngest (proper) tSR member (that I know of). I'm not really one to talk though, I'm only just 17. Also same as what MJ said, not that I've ever dared to try spriting but that's how bad I am
Anyway, welcome to the Resource! Hope you enjoy to continue your time here, happy spriting!
(By the way, if you happen to be interested in making music for a Flash game, PM me...)
(08-03-2012, 02:56 PM)puggsoy Wrote: [ -> ]Wow 14, that's the youngest (proper) tSR member (that I know of)
pfff I'm 13
Also welcome to the Resource!!
I knew someone would say that. Also wow I thought you were about my age

Yet another person that puggsoy mistakes to be older than they really are.

How many does that make now?

I'm not sure, probably only 3 or 4, as I was one of them (he thought I was in my 20's

^ Men aren't supposed to guess a females age since if it's higher than it actally is the men will end up being murdered, and its rude. I'm still ephisizing Murdering(You guys know what I mean. ;P)
I wasn't like guessing out loud or anything, she just mentioned it once and I was like "Oh, I thought you were like 20", I didn't like go up to her and say "Hey MJ, I think you're 20. Isn't that interesting?" And that was only recently after I discovered MJ was a girl.
Yeah I get these things wrong a lot. But that makes it all the more interesting when I find out I'm wrong.
But anyway let's not derail the thread.
Gotta say that's awfully sexist and derailing.
I've seen you at the chat a lot already, but welcome to the forums, Drevan!

(08-04-2012, 02:38 AM)Previous Wrote: [ -> ]Gotta say that's awfully sexist and derailing.
I didn't mean it in a bad way, not intentionally at any rate. Just thought to mention it as it may
subconsciously have had something to do with my judgement of age.
Sorry this is derailing but I couldn't leave it at that.
I was striking at Shadow Kami