(09-08-2008, 12:01 PM)Miles07 Wrote: [ -> ]Um, are there only two animation poses for introducing the Pokemon to the battle? 'Cuz this sure looks a lot like a couple of sheets that were once on this site...
Are you sure you didn't take this from... dang, what's that other site called... I forgot the name of it...
The one that has the pixel art poses for every Pokemon?
And who was that other guy on TSR that did something like that?
Regardless, unless you ripped the sprites straight from the ROM, TwinBroz, you're in trouble. 'Cuz Serebii (or WHATEVER other site it was) is the only one that I know of that actually has done it.
And I believe that the second animation frame was as far as the other, guy got, too.
(Thanks, Ton)
In a way I thought of it but with so many sheets of the same thing on so many sites it can get a little confusing.
No, no, no, you can go ahead and check Serebii all you want, I extracted, not ripped, and put them into this sheet. You can go check anywhere.
I promise you I didn't steal these sheets, they are 100% mine.
A) If you think someone stole you must post proof.
B ) All rips are going to look the same.
There are Only 2 frames of animation for every pokemon. The DS just resizes/stretchs some of them to look different.
(09-08-2008, 04:24 PM)Nintendo_6444 Wrote: [ -> ]There are Only 2 frames of animation for every pokemon. The DS just resizes/stretchs some of them to look different.
emerald does that too I really hated that but 2 frames are better then none.
Good job! Don't forget that some Pokémon have differences depending on their gender.

like bizuil for example (the orange looking wezeil thing)
Yes. Even if they are tiny ans subtle (Raichu, for instance).
Sorry, Ton. I thought there
was a topic about this already... Strangely, it's missing. Maybe it's on Pixeltendo instead?
Sorry, Twinbroz. It's just that I'm all wary of every sheet thanks to recent sprite thievery (Ahuron >

). At the very least, I'm not pulling a Senator McCarthy on y'all, 'kay?