Ripping from that obscure Wonderswan Color game by the name of Rockman EXE WS. This time it's through a specialized ripping tool I got someone to make. So far, all the portraits are ripped.
The MegaMan sheet is still a wip but here's what it's looking like so far. There are wall-jumping frames I never knew about...
Haha, and the tool creator even explicitly said to not give credit!
holy shit wonderswan
you get a bonus point because
• awesome
• good rips
• wonderswan
Great rips man. Great rips.
ASDGGHJHJ YES. Uploadeeeeed~♥
Tool? For this? Amazing! I wish I had one. Heh. Great work anyway.
Are you sure you ripped these yourself and not stolen them from another sprite hosting site? I'm curious.
(08-09-2012, 03:51 PM)Gaia Wrote: [ -> ]Are you sure you ripped these yourself and not stolen them from another sprite hosting site? I'm curious.
I'm certain. Greiga Master, my programmer, reverse engineered the Wonderswan formats to extract these. Hoping to get maps if it's not too difficult.
Wow, does this mean it's able to extract every wonderswan game, not just Megaman?
Dang, if that's the case I REALLY wish I had such program...anyway, hope to see more from you in the future.
I'm going to go ahead and guess that that's obviously Fireman's stage. Looks Good!
And judging by those last 3 rows of Mugshots, it looks like this game is based off the Anime?
Now I must ask, Is Bass in this game?

Are the stages complete? I only ask because there's no icons for them. The rest is up though.
EDIT: I've also cleaned up the whole section and made new icons for most of the old stuff.
I think Bass has an attack where he shoots diagonally down. At least that's what I see in this video, maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me. xD
Great job, though, I was JUST wondering where he was when I didn't see him on the site.

You were right. Must have miss-counted the extracting. (click the same link for the update)
And to answer the above question about the maps. Perhaps it would be better to have all the maps in one archive and I'm slowly getting there.