I'm not entirely sure what to put!
Well, I'm currently 19 and I'm British. I like drawing and spriting (but I'm still learning how to sprite, hence coming to this website to admire all the game sprites I wish to draw like such as Seiken Densetsu 3

) I play around with RPG Maker VX Ace along with my boyfriend who is learning scripting. I have a short attention span so I can't sit there long enough to learn Ruby language haha. However I'm making all the graphics for the game we're working on. It's nothing big or anything, mostly for fun. I'd really like to work in the games industry one day for a real company. For now I go college and do boring things.
I love old games! SNES, PS1, Megadrive.. things like that. I'm a Nintendo fan at heart what with my younger years playing Super Mario Allstars everyday. My fave character is probably Toad :]
Can't think of much else to add. Except I found Spriters Resource probably 2009? Seems like a 100 years ago haha
Welcome to the Resource Community, PixelPixie!

I hope you can enjoy us with all our ups and downs!
Sup. Hope you have a good time.
Hey PixelPixie, welcome to the Resource! That's pretty cool that you're making a game with your boyfriend, hope it goes well!
Hope you enjoy your time here!
Hey there! It's always nice to see new people , especially those who played SMAS as much as I have.
You should let your boyfriend know we also have a section for GameDev, he'd be more than welcome to drop by. I don't think many of us here at tSR use Ruby Gaming Script but we can try to offer general coding advice!
What's up with the current trend of people making intro posts after other posts, hahah.
At any rate, welcome to the site and good luck.
Hey, welcome to tSR! Hope you enjoy the community, we try not to bite too much.
I'm digging the Shin Megami Tensei love I'm seeing from your avatar (and maybe username?), Pixie's one of my favorite low-level demons from those games.
Ah hmm, actually I was hoping to settle into the forum since I quit an old one; as a Global mod I couldn't make the time to constantly
keep things in check, and there was like 7 other mods anyways.. I'm not entirely sure if I'll jump back into a forum now that I think about it.
I should really check what topics I'll come across more before deciding to be honest. :l
@Tellis: I really enjoy the SMT series, I found the Pixie who first met Hitoshura to be quite funny; not to mention we share a similar
hairstyle (so my friend likes to point out). I like the persona form of Lucifer in Persona 3. The fallen angel look just screams Final Fantasy 7 haha.
I actually went to college one day dressed as Arisato Minato for fun, but nobody knew who I was

I like pretty much most RPGs (Tales of, FF, DQ, etc). I notice that the guy in your avatar is Yuri Lowell right? I drew him for a friend in canada!
Welcome TSR, Pixel! Please read the rules and enjoy your stay here!
We'd really like if you stayed, there's a lot of nice things here~
I'll make sure to visit from time to time, is this place quite busy? Also it's almost 2 in the morning now so I should go to bed :o
Thanks again!
Yeah, it's fairly busy! Don't let your guard down for a day or you'll miss a lot!
Actually compared to several other places it's actually rather calm. More active than the other forum I visit, but in general it's alright and not too hard to catch up when you don't visit for a day or two. I mean, it's not like one needs to check anything anyways!
(08-10-2012, 07:07 PM)PixelPixie Wrote: [ -> ]@Tellis: I really enjoy the SMT series, I found the Pixie who first met Hitoshura to be quite funny; not to mention we share a similar
hairstyle (so my friend likes to point out). I like the persona form of Lucifer in Persona 3. The fallen angel look just screams Final Fantasy 7 haha.
I actually went to college one day dressed as Arisato Minato for fun, but nobody knew who I was 
I like pretty much most RPGs (Tales of, FF, DQ, etc). I notice that the guy in your avatar is Yuri Lowell right? I drew him for a friend in canada!
Heh, awesome. I actually never played Digital Devil Saga so I had to look up Hitoshura... >>. I've been to a few cons now dressed as Junpei Iori, he's kinda my video game spirit animal. And awesome, it's always always nice to see another Tales fan! I think we could be friends based on video game preferences alone, haha.