Thanks, I've changed the names and also added the correct icon for the final boss as a replacement for the old one.
The first boss.
Gon - Bosses
Gon - Enemies
The baboon is also the stage 6 boss, which leads to extra frames during the fight. I'll get them next time.
The game itself... well, I played through and found it rather difficult without quicksaves. Gameplay is "defeat all enemies", "break through ground & walls", several mode 7 chases and sometimes trial & error, but luckily the game gives you passwords. No music (except title, ending and low health), but that's no loss. Moreover, the game has a different kind of atmosphere, it's nothing like any other Jump 'n run. All in all, not a bad game, but not for everybody.
All saved! I'll put 'em up soon.

Originally intended for this project, but then I found out that it was acutally released in the US as Musya - The Classic Japanese Tale of Horror:
Imuto/Jinrai + Summons & Items
Anyway, the Japanese Gousou Shinrai Monogatari - Musya (which I'm playing) has some differences like the Tanooki's balls or a special attack for the final boss (according to Wikipedia), so it's not really a loss. I'm currently stuck in the last stage and can't beat it.
Mainchar, summons and items are complete so far, but I have to play through to make sure that I got everything.
I will submit it then with his US description, just needed a place to dump a WIP.
The Musya rips are submitted to my main thread and the game is also done for me. Time for Ghost Sweeper Mikami, this one is a boss:
You all like ponys right? If you get his name pun, you'll receive a cookie with FedEx Supreme Delivery Service Deluxe Plus and some bacon.
And one update for the Jungle Wicked Spirit:
That's an old pun... Was even used in the MLP Gen4 cartoon with the Nightmare Moon character. Night-Mare. Haha. Rolling on the floor laughing.
But if it gets me a cookie I'm fine with it.