Hello everybody!
This week's theme is "custom sprite".
I'll be asking you to pick a relatively well-known videogame character, and create a rip-off of it.
You have to use 16 colours, and you're restricted to a 96x96 canvas. Transparency allowed but counts as a colour.
Examples of rip-offs, not exclusive to videogames:
Chinese Gundam v1,
The Giana Sisters, ripping off
Super Mario Bros.
Guile, ripping off
Rudolph Von Stroheim
The list goes on.
The deadline is next Tuesday (the 21st). Good luck!
i cant wait to try this out!
hmm this will be difficult as I haven't used 16 colors in a picture before. Or have I???
Think I'm goin to stick with a nintendo character for this one.
Maybe somthing like Squeakachu, Lenk and Shanondorf, KonkeyDong, or Barrio bros.
Do we even have to name it?
Giving names is optional, but I'd love to see some of the things you'd come up with!
For those who wish for another example of a rip-off, there's Sonic's rip-off
Sanek, featured in Gors's Super Arisa World.
![[Image: 5l0Xl.png]](http://i.imgur.com/5l0Xl.png)
Guess what I'm referencing
Super Saiyan Sonic, obviously
![[Image: LQKYJ.png]](http://i.imgur.com/LQKYJ.png)
Some crits were given in the Skype chat, so here are my fixes. Not sure what Previous meant about the nose...
![[Image: nYmnK.png]](http://i.imgur.com/nYmnK.png)
Previous made an edit and I tweaked it around a bit, p. sure this is the final version!
Chaiman Mao-rio!!!... Yeah!.......(crickets)...
Mao needs more green.
But definitely more red.
![[Image: fg8cP.png]](http://i.imgur.com/fg8cP.png)
So my boyfriend and his brother and I came up with this idea for a ripoff of Blue/Gary from Pokemon that's also kinda based off of Porky from Earthbound
His name is Girthy
Quote:[04:07] <~Dazz> x0_000, that's a very tasteless BUN
Giana Sisters is one of my fave rip-offs :]
I know tons of characters who look like they were switched at birth (Godot from Phoenix Wright >>> Wild Tiger from Tiger & Bunny, or Phoenix Wright from... Phoenix Wright >>> Roger Smith from Big O)
Here's one from a game (Cloud Strife from FF7 >>> MC from Dungeons of Windaria)
Is it better to go for a similar style of clothes/hair and changes small details/add details and swap colours, or use a character and give them one distinct difference?
Do whatever you would like best, I'm not the one who's got the final say in the voting.
It depends on what you're doing, too. Don't feel restricted!