Just thought I'd make a note that when voting you need to format the post like this:
Vote: Sol
I know it might be annoying but it helps me count votes quickly and makes it easier for other people to see who you voted for, as well. So make sure your votes are formatted like that. Thanks.
welp, sol just voted himself off
i think he knows best so
vote: sol
Vote: Sol
Hey, that wagon
it's like a band
let's jump on it
Well, 7 people haven't posted or otherwise been active in the game yet, so I think I'm going to be postponing the end of Day 1 for another 24 hours. Sorry about that!

I'll send all those members a reminder that the game has started and tomorrow we will be in the thick of it. In a good way.
Keiang, I enjoyed that piece of writing, haha. And you all think you can kill me off???? That would be most unwise. I may be the only friend you have in this game.
Edit: I also finally put in the plot a few hours ago. Hope you guys enjoy it!
(08-17-2012, 07:55 PM)Trollerskates Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, that wagon
it's like a band
let's jump on it
(08-17-2012, 04:43 AM)Hoeloe Wrote: [ -> ]Ah, I always hate the first day... someone's always getting killed with no evidence to support it.
So I reckon it's Kat.
I wish you could have seen how hard I laughed at this.
Seeing as we have no way of basing our votes, I'm going to have to take a shot in the dark;
Vote: OldMcHeadburger
Sorry, Hun.

vote: Trollerskates
for assault by swapnotes

Vote: Zadaben
Its the for the best.
unvote: sol
vote: zadaben for trying to ask people what their roles are
So you ARE a werewolf, otherwise you wouldn't care.
i'm pretty sure this one doesn't have "werewolves"
whatever my role is, i think it ruins the fun to just go and reveal it to people
deduce it naturally from observing discussion and how people vote
Well I guess, but it is much simpler to just ask people. I would say that it never hurts to try, but in this case it obviously does.
Also Werewolves have the advantage because they know each other, in order to win, civilians must figure out who each other are.
(08-18-2012, 12:36 AM)Sir Zabadabenabadaba Wrote: [ -> ]Well I guess, but it is much simpler to just ask people. I would say that it never hurts to try, but in this case it obviously does.
Also Werewolves have the advantage because they know each other, in order to win, civilians must figure out who each other are.
Well, it doesn't really do any good. I mean, I'm hardly going to say "I'm a werewolf, kill me now!" if I were one, am I?
Also thanks to Britt for getting the joke that seems to have gone over peoples heads.
(08-18-2012, 01:04 AM)Hoeloe Wrote: [ -> ]I'm a werewolf, kill me now!
brb changin votes
jk my vote still stands
I agree with scrappy blue Luigi
Vote: zabananananananananaa seriously, I don't care about spelling names right anymore since I'm no longer an admin. or maybe because I'm drunk right now. TAKE YOUE PICK.
My phones autocorrected is saving me more then I'd like to admit.