Got up to 20 pushups/crunches/squats/etc a few days back so I'm just staying on that number until I get sorta used to it.
Also, now I can actually touch my toes without bending my knees

Sorry for the gigantic bump but Phaze's post in the happy thread reminded me of this thread and I felt like posting in it.
After pretty much being lazy for a month or two due to holidays I got back into this and now have a daily routine, which I do after school (which causes me to sometimes forget/be lazy on weekends):
- I stretch my legs and arms two different ways each, holding it for ten seconds per limb per way.
- Push at the air upwards (i.e. reach for the sky) 10 times, then touch my toes 10 times. I do this twice, totalling 20 times up and 20 times down.
- 20 consecutive push-ups. I can do them fairly easily now, I don't collapse but they're still tiring and I can feel my muscles working.
- 20 consecutive crunches. Feels like a spear going through my abdomen when I get to about 15

- 20 consecutive squats.
- Either running back and forth across my room 10 times and then skipping back and forth 10 times (sometimes vice-versa), OR 20 star jumps in chunks of 5. I switch between these two each day.
In that order, by the way.
It feels pretty good because I can actually feel it getting easier each day so I know I'm getting fitter/stronger. Also since it's winter and generally cold I don't really sweat too much anymore, I just get tired
By the way I noticed that this probably fits in the Real Life section so a mod can move it there if they want.