(08-23-2012, 08:54 AM)Shadow Kami Wrote: [ -> ]Gors Resource
this is a sexy name, we should use this instead of VGR
(08-23-2012, 08:59 AM)Petie Wrote: [ -> ] (08-23-2012, 08:51 AM)Gors Wrote: [ -> ]I have a keyboard that has a separate key for that symbol, now I'll finally have a use for that
it is true shut up
Wait... for real? This I need to see. I demand proof! And by demand, I guess I really mean a picture would be good.
I remember when that was announced and I really wanted one. And then I saw how much it cost

(I was joking, I have no such thing, though the symbol is as easy as typing Alt + 14 on the numpad)
I didn't think you actually had one but you reminded me that I wanted one ♫
Flutter Bumpkins Message Board.
Abandoned Home for the Pixel Extractors, Model Kindappers, and Other Various Questionable Occupations.
(08-23-2012, 08:59 AM)Gors Wrote: [ -> ]http://www.artlebedev.com/everything/optimus/popularis/
I can't find the music note symbol on that keyboard... if only it wasn't slanted.
Also I support T♫R as the site's acronym--*browser mysteriously goes back one page upon entering key combo* DGDHFGJHKJ
okay if it's going to do that for me then no, sorry, it'll have to stay TSoR.
Also whether the name changes or not I'll still call it TSR because honestly I'm not that fond of the VGR.
This is completely random but
what if we rename the Sounds Resource to the Noise Resource
this way we can have
TR (again)
come one let's do this already
i say we rename the community to pixeltendo
Both The Canine Resource or The Dancers Resource sound just about right if we're going to rename it.
Dazz's Pit of hell.
I'm jokin, I doubt that'd be a good name.
Uncle Dazzyman's Home for Imaginery Customs
Features community projects like sonic recolours, pokemon edits, megaman boots and sprites which consist of 5 lines and one colour (3 hours in MS Paint).
You could hypothetically just cut out the middle part and call it "The Resource," but that sounds a bit like it's some kind of library for cultists.
...Actually, that might be completely fitting. You people are nuts.
You know, that's how I've been greeting people in the introduction section for a while. "Welcome to the Resource Community".
Besides yes, I am a crazy cultist.