You see, I`m trying to rip from this... odd game and a background sprite is partially covered by a HUD, so the bottom half is unseeable.
I tried to use vSNES to uncover it but all I got is this.
The background becomes very messed up and this happens every time I savestate FE4. Has anyone ever run into this problem or know how to fix it?
And if they happen to be on the same layer?
You could check the MemViewer but there may not be anything there to begin with.
Yup. Not much in the Memory viewer. The odd thing is that almost everything in the game shows up jumbled like that. But I dont think people need a complete floating demonic goat head so I'll just submit it as is.
Thanks Deathbringer.
The chances are the rest of it doesn't actually exist in game...
Yup. That's what I assumed. But I already submitted this so no worries.

Give me a quicksave and I can tell for sure if it holds something.
nope, nothing there. The quicksave is partially corrupted and doesn't show anything of this monster.
Anyway, you're using vSNES only when a sprite overlays another sprite or a background is cut off. In case of overlayed backgrounds you can simply deactivate the layers in zsnes, if you can't find more than the stuff on the screen... yeah, that's it.
(09-07-2012, 01:01 PM)Davy Jones Wrote: [ -> ]nope, nothing there. The quicksave is partially corrupted and doesn't show anything of this monster.
Anyway, you're using vSNES only when a sprite overlays another sprite or a background is cut off. In case of overlayed backgrounds you can simply deactivate the layers in zsnes, if you can't find more than the stuff on the screen... yeah, that's it.
Alrighty, thanks for trying. I might get a new ROM because the one I have now barely works and isn't even hackable . As for the background, I`ll just leave it like that seeing as two well respected rippers have told me nothing there. Thanks again~
Your savestate was taken a few seconds too early, thus the desired sprite didn't appear in the data.
Well... dont I look dumb.
Well anyway thank you, Maxim for going the extra mile to help me rip this beast, I really appreciate it.