Despite being local to Seattle and still having access to the internet when I got back, me not wanting to die from exhaustion/me wanting to understand what i am reading online prevented me from checking tSR over the past 3-4 days because of the Penny Arcade Expo. So yeah, I'm back! Did anything interesting happen while I was gone that I otherwise might not learn from skimming the new posts search?
Maybe you missed me?
... Maybe?
... you didn't miss me. 
Welcome back, uhm, Tellis, was it? Nice to see you again!
Okay who was this one again??
I noticed! there was a disturbing lack of Yuri Lowell on this forum.
Welcome back Tell, how was PAX?!
Wait, you were gone? What? Why does nobody tell me these things?

welcome back)
But yeah Mighty's right not much happened. Dazz posted an update thread in the forums though, that was exciting.
Thanks for the welcomes back, everyone! Um, totally forgot that I never replied to this...
To answer Guy, PAX was a blast like every other year, though I will say that the Expo Hall was kind of lacking this year (though that may be more of a reflection of the industry itself than on the con). There weren't many must-see games for me and there was also a significant drop in the amount of free stuff. I will say that Smash Sony Sons (shut up, my title is way better) is actually pretty damn fun and doesn't really feel like Smash Bros other than the fact that it's a platforming fighter. I tried out the demo for Phantasy Star Online 2 and I am definitely jumping on that when it comes out. It looks like everything I liked from the original but way more streamlined and convenient and fun. Ummm, LBP Karting looks interesting in that you'd be able to make racing game stuff but it suffers from the same problem I have with the original LBP in that it just doesn't feel tight at all. Plus the Move controls suck so far. The new Devil May Cry plays really well, but unfortunately I have nothing to base it off of, seeing as I never played the originals, so my opinion is probably bunk to a lot of you who are curious about it. Still think new Dante looks pretty dumb. Oh right, and everyone should buy Okami HD because it is the prettiest damn thing ever, and the same with Jet Set Radio's remake as well. And um... that's all I can remember off the top of my head, but if you ask me about a game I'll maybe give you some insight from what I saw if I saw it?
However, my disappointment in the show floor was vastly outweighed by how much fun I had being a Gym Leader for the PAX Pokemon League
(this page explains it better than I can). Me and my friend were able to get in last minute because a ton of people dropped out and we ran a little 2v2 set up of sorts where challengers would either fight against us or each other (with each of us pairing up with a challenger). The PPL itself is full of a ton of really cool people (not to say there aren't a few bad eggs), and it was a lot of fun hanging out with them for the course of the 3 days, and the challengers were obviously fun to talk and battle with. Made a bunch of new friends this weekend, for sure.
Oh and I got a buncha dice. Managed to get a full set (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 and d20) through a random dice vending machine. Even though I have never played DnD or any tabletop games (though me and a few friends are planning on it now). They need something to roll for.
I might make post in the "Going Bankrupt on Materia" page of all the stuff I got (free or not) in a bit so... you can see all this shit that is currently crowding my living space.
did you meet any internet celebrities?
Me and my friend ran into Hank Green while we were walking out of the Expo Hall and we chatted with him for a little bit. I am pretty sure that the only reason he was there (with a VIP Pass) was to sing a part of one song for Paul & Storm during Saturday's concert, since I don't think he had any panels that he was in or anything else to do. Other than that, no. I mean, it'd be cool to meet Wil Wheaton, but it wouldn't be "wait around for 3 hours or more" cool.