gamefreak should focus on balancing the metagame
there are so many pokemon that aren't competitively viable, and I feel like that could really be changed with more responsible move distribution
(09-08-2012, 04:12 AM)Zac Wrote: [ -> ]gamefreak should focus on balancing the metagame
Game Freak should balance the friggin' Battle Areas. I don't know how many times I've lost on the Battle Train just because the computer decided to the tip the odds in the opponent's favor.
(09-08-2012, 07:14 AM)DragonBoy Wrote: [ -> ] (09-08-2012, 04:12 AM)Zac Wrote: [ -> ]gamefreak should focus on balancing the metagame
Game Freak should balance the friggin' Battle Areas. I don't know how many times I've lost on the Battle Train just because the computer decided to the tip the odds in the opponent's favor.
that's why you should get your pokemon to much higher levels compaired to the trainer, if possible, that itself kinda balances it out.
when I said give the characters personality I didn't mean the hero I meant the npcs they're really boring
Just came here to tell you that Johto DID NOT have any sort of free roam mechanic at all until you beat the first E4, but even then it wasn't any moreso than any of the other games before or after it. I understand why you would think it would -- after Goldenrod the path does indeed start to fork, but you can't go the "wrong" way, someone stops you. Not trying to rain on your parade on that one but it just really irks me when people pander to 2nd gen in places it doesn't deserve. I get that it is generally the fan favorite, that's fine, but people blow it's greatness way out of proportion and it makes the other games look bad when they really aren't.
Carry on
(09-07-2012, 08:03 PM)Amon Wrote: [ -> ]maybe even add funny dialogue and mild profanity so the characters won't be the most boring fucks imaginable (in game atleast the anime and mangas have have some fun stuff)
didnt they had some mild profanity in RSE? i heard that somewhere.
actually you can take on pierce, jasmine and chuck all in whatever order you want
kinda like koga, sabrina and blaine in gen 1
this might seem arbitrary since they the difficulty kinda hints at what order you should take them on anyway, but the branching path allows the player to get a lot of new Pokemon earlier then they would have
(09-09-2012, 12:19 PM)Zac Wrote: [ -> ]actually you can take on pierce, jasmine and chuck all in whatever order you want
kinda like koga, sabrina and blaine in gen 1
this might seem arbitrary since they the difficulty kinda hints at what order you should take them on anyway, but the branching path allows the player to get a lot of new Pokemon earlier then they would have
Really? Did they do away with that in HG/SS?
In HG SS, you can challenge almost all of the Kanto Gym leaders in any order it's their levels that give a hint to they're "order".
(Psst. *their)
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(09-09-2012, 01:30 PM)chad Wrote: [ -> ]Really? Did they do away with that in HG/SS?
nope, in fact in my most recent play through of soulsilver, I did the lake of rage and mahogany town right after getting surf and beating morty
Found something on another for on the exact same subject, It cracks me up. It's the ultimate game.

I can't help but luagh at this.
Quote:Ok how about this re-boot idea...
The Poke-sapiens are all 6 feet tall versions of the original 100. They can say more than just their own name. They have their own advanced society and all. Humans don't exist, but humanmon do, and they are smaller (ranging from medium to tiny) versions of people..
The Poke-sapiens collect them in human-balls (ewww) and battle them against each other for sport. The humanmon are varied in size and type. They can only say their name... So we have smaller breeds like "Mexican Farmer" and "Chinese Working Man" ... then we got your "Angry Upper Middle Class Fatty" and "Indistinguishable European Accent Guy" . The female version is "Indistinguishable Sexy European Accent Girl"
Just imagine a giant Pikachu with his very own "Angry Upper Middle Class Fatty" - and all that Humanmon can say is his catchy long-winded name!
Jokes aside, they should really rethink the series and try and come up with something new and innovative, it would capture a larger audience, even thugh they have a huge adience as it is. If they keep up with this train, they'll end up crashing and burning.