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Full Version: Old Stuff and Maybe New Stuff Later
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PortalGuru's cloud icon reminded me of an old logo I made for my website I never got around to finish. (You might've noticed Ai Shite Keeki linking to it and noticing the generic start page)

The idea was to make HTML5 games with C# running most of the game logic, hence the cloud gamepad. There was quite a bit of progress until I had to deal with the more painful shortcomings of JS.

I might dig through my old stuff later, I have a ton to go through but I'm really tired atm.
I think the text is off-center
yes it is gosh why do I notice these things?
Moreover, the buttons could be more of the size of the directional pad (bounding box size of both buttons together)
In order to make things more even. Especially considering the simplicity.
Nothing huge, sure, but what else shall I say
I'm not entirely sure about the font. I think I hate fonts. I can never find one I'm actually happy with.

Other than that, I like it. If you want to use it as a logo, though, I'd suggest making a smaller version to go with it that doesn't have the text but proportionally bigger buttons.
I see a little mishap here:

[Image: TYEvz.png]

But other than that it's perfectly smooth and otherwise is just fine other than what Previous said.
First time touching it in over a year:

I think the small version should be more like this
[Image: rhYLR.png]
So the buttons stay easily recognisable.

A round, sans-serif font may fit the simple design better.