(redownload it, same link)
it runs on my linux
I fixed the error but I still don't know what it was I think it's just Java being Java >:I
IT WORKS NOW, turns out I had decompressed the ZIP incorrectly. Hah!
But yeah, it works and it's absolutely fantastic. I'm still getting to know it a bit better, but so far it seems like it doesn't have any bugs. Worked on bosses even.
(09-29-2012, 01:01 PM)Raccoon Sam Wrote: [ -> ]IT WORKS NOW, turns out I had decompressed the ZIP incorrectly. Hah!
No Java was being awful I had to create a new main class with a different name to get it to work on my Linux. I don't really know why it did not like the other one, but with the new one it works so I'm fine with it.
Good to hear it seems to work