My day is shitty, I won't be back on for a while, personal issues are ruining my life.
I don't know when I'll be back on.
If you guy want the full story I'd be happy to share it.
Sorry to hear that. Hope it gets better.
If you need to vent or anything, we're an open ear.
I hope everything will be okay

Good luck, hope things get better. If you feel like sharing the situation that's not a problem.
I know how that goes, I hope you all the best Plauge.
See ya around... hope stuff works out.
Just so you guys know, I'm in the process of backing everything up, so I decided to check back on TSR, to see if anyone responded.
Thanks guys, I hope to comeback and find TSR still running strong.
Well, if you guys haven't noticed, I've been extremely busy with a research paper, and I haven't been on in a bit, I probably won't been on for a bit... again...
Meh, I wonder why history class hates me so much.
Well, I'll probably be stuck going back to my 6 page essay.
also, procrastination doesn't help me on this at all...
also, I'm in the process of looking for a job ATM...