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Something tells me you just shit this out 30 minutes after the other one without listening to anything anyone has told you.
If you don't feel like it's the best, then work on it
You're still using the line tool and circle tools. Don't do that, as it makes everything look really unnatural and ugly.
Here, try scribbling out the basic shapes of your sprite. By hand, with the brush tool. Like this:

[Image: 17eF8.png]

Then, try to clean up the lines until you have a decent shape. Like this:

[Image: ccMEX.png]

Then try to color and shade it, but don't pillowshade (check spriting dictionary). Try to have a light source. Imagine that the sun is shining above your sprite: that means that you would shade around the lower areas of the character's body.

Also merging with the old thread.
I feel like he's trying to reach 20 posts for requests. Not trying to point fingers, but over 5 posts of just "cool", "thanks", etc. and the fact that he hasn't shown any earnest desire to improve seems a bit suspicious.
(10-04-2012, 03:41 PM)jakobthecool867 Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-04-2012, 03:40 PM)Thumbtacks Wrote: [ -> ]So how old are you again?

why does everyone keep asking me that?

You don't seem to be actually be responding to criticism, or even reading it. Which means you're either a kid/idiot who doesn't understand how to take criticism and use it to improve your work, a troll, or someone who doesn't actually care about improving, as Baegal stated.

Or possibly someone who just doesn't want to read and thinks he can improve without doing so.

We try to believe the best in people, so we wondered if you were a kid instead of one of the other things.
(10-04-2012, 06:21 PM)Mighty Jazzers Wrote: [ -> ]You're still using the line tool and circle tools. Don't do that, as it makes everything look really unnatural and ugly.
Here, try scribbling out the basic shapes of your sprite. By hand, with the brush tool. Like this:

[Image: 17eF8.png]

Then, try to clean up the lines until you have a decent shape. Like this:

[Image: ccMEX.png]

Then try to color and shade it, but don't pillowshade (check spriting dictionary). Try to have a light source. Imagine that the sun is shining above your sprite: that means that you would shade around the lower areas of the character's body.

Also merging with the old thread.

i improved a little bit, a really,really,really tiny bit.
If that's the case then why don't you post your new sprite and show us? Tongue
I'm suspicious, with the work you have shown us and the fact that you improved very little I'm kinda expecting another crumby Ms Paint Masterpiece
Can we please stop making such pointless post that aren't helping in any way.
(10-05-2012, 10:41 AM)Mighty Jazzers Wrote: [ -> ]If that's the case then why don't you post your new sprite and show us? Tongue

i was talking about the moon cleft...

(10-05-2012, 12:30 PM)hiynastrike Wrote: [ -> ]I'm suspicious, with the work you have shown us and the fact that you improved very little I'm kinda expecting another crumby Ms Paint Masterpiece

I can already see where this is going to go.
But honestly, we told you what what wrong with the sprite so please put our feedback to use and work on your sprite so that you can get better at spriting.
Also, ignore hiyna (no offense), we are not actually mean guys.
[Image: sSDR9.png]

just a TINY bit of improvement
(10-05-2012, 02:01 PM)Mighty Jazzers Wrote: [ -> ]I can already see where this is going to go.
But honestly, we told you what what wrong with the sprite so please put our feedback to use and work on your sprite so that you can get better at spriting.
Also, ignore hiyna (no offense), we are not actually mean guys.

ok,anyway thanks for the advice!
more like no improvement whatsoever.

I am going to try again. Stop using circle tool for shapes. There is no care in placing the pixels; you just drew some circles and used the bucket tool on them. This is not pixelart.

Please, try harder next time, as in MAKE A PROPER PIXELART and not a 4-year-old worthy MS Paint doodle. Also warned because of inability of using a single topic. Merging this topic with your another one.
(10-05-2012, 02:17 PM)Crappy Green Gors Wrote: [ -> ]more like no improvement whatsoever.

I am going to try again. Stop using circle tool for shapes. There is no care in placing the pixels; you just drew some circles and used the bucket tool on them. This is not pixelart.

Please, try harder next time, as in MAKE A PROPER PIXELART and not a 4-year-old worthy MS Paint doodle. Also warned because of inability of using a single topic. Merging this topic with your another one.

your making me sad face! Cry
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