Welcome to TSR! Please read the rules (as well as the submission guidelines) and enjoy your stay.

Both the
original version of the icon maker and the
in-browser version can be found in the Submissions forum.

Welcome to the Resource Community, noken!

Welcome to the Resource, noken! Hope you enjoy your time here
(10-05-2012, 08:21 AM)Mighty Jazzers Wrote: [ -> ] (10-04-2012, 10:27 PM)noken Wrote: [ -> ]sir!

See, it's not just me!
Yeah I know, I've gotten confused to be a guy several times, it's nothing new to me.

Welcome noken to the resource!
(10-05-2012, 09:01 AM)Mighty Jazzers Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah I know, I've gotten confused to be a guy several times, it's nothing new to me. 
Whoops! Sorry. Honest mistake. I should have assumed you were a girl. If your avatar would have been Duff McWhalen, now that's another subject.
(10-05-2012, 03:52 AM)Previous Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to the Resource Community, noken! 
Thanks a lot! Gonna upload my first sheet in a few days

(10-10-2012, 06:08 PM)noken Wrote: [ -> ]Whoops! Sorry. Honest mistake. I should have assumed you were a girl. If your avatar would have been Duff McWhalen, now that's another subject.
No biggie, you can never tell what gender someone is over the internet. I usually tend to think most members are guys too unless they state otherwise.
And yes, I'm a huuuuge Axle fangirl (and I don't mean that in a creepy way or anything, eheh). X3
Also we look forward to seeing your sheet/s!
(10-10-2012, 07:06 PM)Mighty Jetaku Wrote: [ -> ] (10-10-2012, 06:08 PM)noken Wrote: [ -> ]Whoops! Sorry. Honest mistake. I should have assumed you were a girl. If your avatar would have been Duff McWhalen, now that's another subject.
No biggie, you can never tell what gender someone is over the internet. I usually tend to think most members are guys too unless they state otherwise.
And yes, I'm a huuuuge Axle fangirl (and I don't mean that in a creepy way or anything, eheh). X3
Also we look forward to seeing your sheet/s!
Almost done!
I even did the avatar for the sprite sheet.
Also, I'm kind of an idiot, and not being able to find this... How the F do you insert an image, you know, in the post. I can only insert the link, but I want the image to show. I'm not so much of a forum master as you can see.
I'm trying out different options, but nothing works. I use the HTML/Blogs address copy option from photobucket, to no use.
What should I add to this code? <a href="http://s434.photobucket.com/albums/qq67/nokensmok/?action=view&current=1352273601.png" target="_blank"><img src="http://i434.photobucket.com/albums/qq67/nokensmok/1352273601.png" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
That's HTML, in forums you need to use BBCode
To insert an image, use this:
[img]URL to image[/img]
You can also link images like this:
[url=URL to link/image][img]URL to image[/img][/url]
This second example is what your Photobucket code is trying to do, but with HTML. So to translate it exactly, what you'd want to do is this:
Which will give you this:
This is said in more detail in the
Submissions Forums for Beginners thread, along with some other tips on submitting sheets.
By the way, by "link to image", puggsoy means the "Direct Link" so be sure to use that.

You guys are the fucking best!