What is that you do? Do you write? do you program? do you code? Pixelart? 3D art? Scultping? Interpretive Dance (fav)? What is it creative that you do?
Well, lately I've been programming, as is required by my college major choice, I'm about to jump back into spriting once again, and I've been drawing here and there. I'd like to write some story boards soon as well. I guess I'm being a bit ambitious..but.. you know....
Oh I also am a vocalist in a slam grind band called cvmslvt, we have actual demos, and we aquire a drummer which would complete us in the near future.
I really only sprite and draw digitally (I'm not that skilled at either, but trying to improve). I plan to learn coding and 3D modeling eventually but as of now I'm trying to finish other things first.
I draw (physically and digital painting/coloring) and I sprite, but currently I'm working on a Game Maker game called Princess Fantasy Catventure, for which I do all the programming, character design, sprites and even music. Well, basically everything with the exception of a few sound effects (which are intruments from a Fruityloops demo). For those curious, I'll create a topic once the game is finished, which could be anywhere between now and a month or so.
I consider myself a game designer/programmer. I put a fair amount of work into analysing how games are structured, and what they do well/not well. I also then apply this research to my own projects and make games.
On top of that, I occasionally make music and sprite as hobbies.
I'd say a draw more than pixel art, but I still do pixel art. At the moment I would really like to learn 3d modelling but can't seem to wrap my head around it, or get flustered in trying to find a program that works.
I'd say:
Draw>Pixel Art>Paint>write
I'd also like to learn to code, but ATM I'm too lazy to.
Been doing a lot of 3D design lately
kind of wish I could go back to spriting on a more consistent basis : (
I haven't been actively artistic for a number of years, but when I do feel inclined, I sprite a bit and occasionally draw free-hand.
I used to be very motivated to learn proper technique, but the latter part of my high-school years weren't that kind to me, and
I've had a hard time putting pen to paper ever since.
What little spriting I've posted here at TSR is the most spriting I've done in my entire life, so thank everyone here for providing
such a positive environment to learn and grow.
On top of that you're a great spriter, so we're glad to have to around.

I'd consider myself a coder, I can't do artistic stuff for my life - though for a few years I did try drawing. I was improving but not as I'd have liked. Might return to it some day.
Anyway, code. I haven't really focused my efforts and output anything significant yet. Most of my stuff is half-finished quick projects or tiny little snippets. I do have two major projects coming up (Mask - 30% complete and FSO - 0% complete) and have a ton of things I'd like to do (website redesign of my unfinished website being one:
see the old one here if you wanna retch 
I draw more than anything, barely have time for it. I pixel....very rarely(I think Istarted something here and even posted it but forget what. I should check if I made any threads recently). I dabbled with photoshop coloring, I need to do that again, I have a perfectly good tablet literally covered in dust.
I actually, and will embarrassingly admit I do Tech-tonic dance and even industrial.
Normally I'm intoxicated when I do it, but recently I've been practicing to maybe show off at a concert/rave or something. I actually used to be kinda good.
drawing, pixel art, and programming are the creative things I do (I also think in a creative way a lot)
I design headaches.
I think most people call it music though.
I also dabble in graphic design, I'm a competent programmer and coder, and I make some of the best sandwiches around.
I know that I'm best known for my music, and I always tell people I'm a musician, but those sandwiches are where I put my real passion.
I cant consider myself as an artist, but rather as an artisan.
I drawing and do pixel arts , and I trying to program , but i'm not very good on that