You may call me "Mr. Buttbutt" or "Buttbutt" or "Buttboy" or "Buttman", according to your preference. I am superior to you all in every measurable aspect. This is unquestionable, and anyone who does question this should be considered mentally ill.
I sprite.
Not "I sprite" as in randomly clicking on the screen and crossing fingers wishing to get a sprite that doesn't look like it was spat out of the anus of a butterfly, or "I sprite" as in editing crappy game sprites to make them look even crappier, but "I sprite" as in I vomit out something good every so often. Trust me, you will absolutely love my sprites.
I'm making a beat-em-up Ness sheet, and will post it tonight. You should await this with anticipation, suspense, and a bottle of your favorite alcoholic beverage, because I'm that good.
I'm that good.
Not all of this is true though.
-Mr. Buttbutt
you should change your name and the first 3 sentences, you'll get banned for it
what's up
What, referring to the gluteus maximus is not allowed?
I read the rules, it said swearing is allowed, but not if aimed at specific users/members/admin team.
And afaik, "butt" isn't a swearword. "ass" is.
I just like the sound of "Mr. Buttbutt"
As for crappy, I really really really censored myself and avoided using "shitty".
*edits* "Mr. Assass" doesn't sound as good anyway.
doesn't matter, they'll find a way to ban you :l
Hey, admin and mod guys, get to know me first before doing the banning and the warning, you'll find that I'm a pretty lovable guy, all-around awesome person and I also know the difference between dithering and anti-aliasing, so give me a few days, yeah?
To illustrate how lovable I am, right now I am editing a friend's poem for him. What kind of guy does that, except a guy who's lovable?

What? No. I don't have anything against your name.
Welcome, nonetheless.
Tyvon, stop being so negative.
kinda hard not to be when lately i've been getting warned or banned for every little thing i do :/
but i'd rather not get back into that so fuck it.
(09-10-2008, 05:14 AM)xTYVONx Wrote: [ -> ]kinda hard not to be when lately i've been getting warned or banned for every little thing i do :/
but i'd rather not get back into that so fuck it.
You mean like flaming people in their reputation, making alt accounts during you short suspension and spamming?
Tyvon, you're my friend, and I still thought it was sound.
Also, welcome ButtButt.
You know what, an admin who warns/bans someone even if that someone is a friend sounds like a pretty fair admin to me.
Tyvon sounds like a cool dude though.
Hello to you three people.
Hello, and welcome, enjoy your stay here, and I'm looking forward to seeing those sprites, actually, I'd like to see if you're worth paying attention to in the spriting realm.
Thanks. I'm not as good as the first post suggests, but I guess you'll see.
Gonna post them in a while.
That is one intimidating avatar.
Wow Tyvon I'm surprised that you said nothing of us banning him for his avatar either.... If the word Butt is offensive to us and a Swastika isn't then the staff team must have some real issues. (We don't care that you avatar is that for the moment.)
Welcome Mr.Buttbutt. Glad to see that you've read the rules and please enjoy your stay.

(09-10-2008, 06:16 PM)Lunyka Wrote: [ -> ]Wow Tyvon I'm surprised that you said nothing of us banning him for his avatar either....
I personally feel that the Swastika has no meaning anymore. It might've in the past, but not nowadays.
In all honesty I feel the same way.
But apparently Germany still scolds itself for what happened in WW2 according to my German friend and One of my Teachers is a Jew and he still takes offense to that so I guess it depends on the person.