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So I was training an Azurill for a Huge Power Azumarill with Bellydrum and Aqua Jet, I find out after hours of training and Super Training that those moves can only be bred on Azurill/Marill.
However, I found a Shiny Whismur while training the then Azurill. The colors disappoint, especially on Loudred and Exploud, but Boom Burst makes up for it.
My Exploud♀ is called Blaster. She knows Boom Burst, Flamethrower, Rest and Sleep Talk. She holds Silk Scarf, has the Scrappy Ability (no ghost is safe) and has been Super Trained for Sp. Atk and Speed. Sadly, her nature hinders Sp. Atk in exchange for Sp. Def.
All in all, destiny took a 180° turn and gave me a fine soldier for my Sparkle Army.
I finally did it...
After almost a year in the making( I only got back here on Saturday ), i reclaimed my shiny Ho-Oh i lost 3 years ago...
Words cannot describe how happy I am
That's awesome! Congrats!
My cousin found a shiny Trapinch at the Lumiose power plant and now it's a sexy orange Vibrava : D
Shortly after I beat Pokemon Y, I went to the friend safari and found a shiny Quilladin in the first park I went into. This was about a month ago though.
Ran into this guy while filling up my pokedex.
![[Image: ibwI2ZJ.jpg]](
(10-17-2012, 01:07 AM)Rosencrantz Wrote: [ -> ]I literally have not seen a single shiny outside of the Red Gyarados in any of my various Pokemon Adventures. This includes playthroughs in Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Heart Gold, and White.
(01-02-2014, 04:12 AM)redblueyellow Wrote: [ -> ]Ran into this guy while filling up my pokedex. 
![[Image: ibwI2ZJ.jpg]](
Took me a minute to notice the shiny. I thought it was two females.
The only shiny I ever remember encountering was a Cubone in Diamond. Can't say I'm fond of the colors, but shrug.
The only time I've ever ran into a shiny is in pokemon crystal as well, when I was a kid. It was a shiny onix and I could never catch it because all of my pokemon were too high of a level and I couldn't get it with just throwing ultra balls at it. I didn't know what it was when I was a kid so I thought it was like the crystal onix from the tv show.
I remembered I took a picture of the shiny Quilladin in Pokemon Amie. According to the date, the picture itself was taken on the 7th of November, so it was probably the day before that I found it.
I also made a video of when I actually found it too.
I remember catching a shiny Spheal in Emerald and a shiny Cleafairy in Diamond, but I lost my copy of Emerald and my Diamond copy got corrupted. I was about to get a shiny Weedle in SoulSilver, but my freaking Rattata just had to critical hit it...
Yeah, I have the most terrible luck with shinies.
At least you've encountered 3 shinies
that should be incredible luck itself
Though here's an interesting little story:
In my Platinum save file, which is about four years old now (I've been planning to start over cuz why not), I've never encountered a single shiny in the wild.
Then I go to the Battle Fronteir. Specifically, the Battle Arcade. Among my first opponents? A jogger with A SHINY GROVYLE.
I swear, it's a true story, I even saved the battle in my Vs. Recorder, but since it can only store one video at a time... yeah, you the point.
Didn't battle frontiers often give your opponents preset shinies? I remember in some battle tower, one person had a shiny Espeon every time I ran into them.
(01-02-2014, 04:13 AM)Rosencrantz Wrote: [ -> ] (10-17-2012, 01:07 AM)Rosencrantz Wrote: [ -> ]I literally have not seen a single shiny outside of the Red Gyarados in any of my various Pokemon Adventures. This includes playthroughs in Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Heart Gold, and White.
update 2: it took 13 years but I finally found my shiny
a shiny cyndaquil
had to MM for it, but
at least it's finally a legitimate one that I didn't RNG abuse to get
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